Terrifying PlayStation 1 Games of All Time

Explore the spine-chilling world of horror games on the PlayStation 1 that continue to haunt players with their immersive experiences.
Terrifying PlayStation 1 Games of All Time


  • Technological advancements have made classic PS1 games feel outdated, yet they still offer terrifying and engaging gameplay.
  • Games like Clock Tower 2 and Mizzurna Falls deliver unique horror experiences that remain enjoyable even today.
  • The original PlayStation 1 console boasted a variety of exceptional horror games like Parasite Eve 2 and Nightmare Creatures that are cherished by fans.

As technology advances, developers create more immersive and terrifying games, leaving classic PlayStation 1 games feeling somewhat outdated. Despite this, many PS1 games still manage to provide chilling experiences that test players' nerves due to their captivating atmospheres and direction.

Updated on March 21, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: The PlayStation 1 remains iconic for its collection of horror games that continue to terrify players, showcasing how even dated graphics can deliver spine-tingling experiences. From haunting mansions to eerie open-world adventures, the PS1 horror library offers a diverse range of games that can still shock players today.

20 ...Iru!

A First-Person Survival Horror Game

  • Initial Release Year: 1998
  • Available Platforms: PlayStation
  • Developer: Soft Machine

Iru offers a chilling survival horror experience akin to Clock Tower, immersing players in a school plagued by supernatural entities, creating a tension-filled gameplay.

19 Clock Tower 2: The Struggle Within

A Tense Horror Game With Intense Chase Sequences

  • Initial Release Date: March 12, 1998
  • Available Platforms: PlayStation
  • Developer: Human Entertainment

Clock Tower 2 presents a unique horror experience criticized for its dated interface but appreciated by modern players for its classic scary gameplay.

18 Mizzurna Falls

A Unique, Quirky Horror-Adventure That is Arguably One Of The First Open-World Games

  • Initial Release Date: December 23, 1998
  • Available Platforms: PlayStation
  • Developer: Human Entertainment

Mizzurna Falls stands out as a unique open-world adventure with a compelling storyline and sim-like elements that enhance its eerie gameplay.