The Irregular At Magic High School: Top Powerful Characters Revealed

Discover the formidable characters who dominate battles with their extraordinary abilities in the series.
The Irregular At Magic High School: Top Powerful Characters Revealed


  • Miyuki, despite physical limitations, excels in magic and endurance.
  • Tatsuya, known for close-range combat prowess despite magic inadequacy.
  • Characters like Chiba, Benjamin, Kazama, Katsuto, and Lina shine in warfare.

The Irregular at Magic High School offers a unique perspective in the realm of anime. The protagonist, though seemingly inferior magically, holds immense power within their society's hierarchy.

The series delves into a world embroiled in technological and magical warfare, showcasing characters with exceptional abilities and strategic acumen. Amidst this array of individuals, certain characters emerge as formidable forces capable of turning the tide of any battle with their remarkable skills. Here are the top powerful characters in The Irregular at Magic High School.

10 Chiba Naotsugu

Master of Close Combat

Chiba Naotsugu, a second lieutenant at the National Defense Academy, excels as a close-range combatant and a member of the Sword Corps. Renowned for his mastery of the Art of the Thousand Blades, his speed and skill make him a formidable adversary.

9 Benjamin Canopus

Elite Star Magician

Colonel Benjamin Canopus, a First-Class Star Magician, leads the Star Magician Unit with prowess in magic and combat. His ability to handle multiple adversaries with ease showcases his battle experience and adaptive skills.

8 Kazama Harunobu

Master B-Ranked Magician

Lieutenant Colonel Kazama of the 101st Brigade combines Ancient Magic and Ninjutsu to overpower foes despite his B-rank status. His unmatched willpower and skills in invisibility tactics set him apart in magical combat.

7 Juumonji Katsuto

Leading the Juumonji Family

Head of the prestigious Juumonji Family, Katsuto, an alumnus of First High School, boasts exceptional combat skills. He can overclock his magical powers, sacrificing lifespan for increased potency in battle.

6 Kudou Minoru

The Enhanced Magician

Kudou Minoru, a genetically manipulated magician, possesses exceptional magical prowess and intellect. Despite a fragile constitution, his strategic brilliance and magical abilities surpass many of his peers.

5 Angelina Kudou Shields

Leading the Stars Magician Unit

Lieutenant Colonel Lina, a combat prodigy, commands the Stars Magician Unit with exceptional magical and hand-to-hand combat skills. Her quick magic activation and mental resilience make her a formidable opponent in battle.

4 Shiba Miyuki

Exceptional Magical Endurance

Miyuki, a naturally gifted magician with high Psion count, excels in various magical disciplines and demonstrates remarkable endurance in combat. Despite physical challenges, her magical finesse is unmatched.

3 Yotsuba Maya

Master of Meteor Stream

Yotsuba Maya, revered as the Queen of Night, wields the powerful Meteor Stream ability, dominating battles with its devastating light-manipulating projectiles. Her unmatched magical prowess makes her a force to be reckoned with.

2 Kokonoe Yakumo

Ancient Magic Expert

Yakumo, a master of Ancient Magic and martial arts, mentors many skilled individuals with his expertise. Despite his age, his combat prowess and mystical abilities remain unparalleled in the series.

1 Shiba Tatsuya

The Unconventional Powerhouse

Tatsuya, the enigmatic protagonist, challenges conventions with his exceptional combat skills despite magical limitations. His high Psion count grants him unparalleled endurance, making him a formidable force in both long-range and close combat.
