Top Persona Party Members for Magic Users

Discover the best party members in Persona 3, 4, and 5 with high Magic stats, perfect for battling phys-resistant enemies.
Top Persona Party Members for Magic Users


  • Affinity Skills rely on Magic stats for damage calculation in Persona games.
  • Characters like Mitsuru, Yukiko, and Yukari shine with their magical abilities.
  • Be mindful of Affinity weaknesses when utilizing high Magic party members.

Using Affinity Skills is crucial for combat in Persona 3/Reload, Persona 4/Golden, and Persona 5/Royal. These skills, like Agi, derive their power from the Magic Stat of the party member, consuming SP upon usage.

Not all characters possess high Magic stats, even if they learn various Magic Skills. To excel in non-physical attacks, players should identify party members with superior Magic stats.

5 Teddie

Personas: Kintoki-Douji, Kamui, Kamui-Moshiri

Magic Skills:

  • Bufula -> Bufudyne
  • Mabufula -> Mabufudyne

Teddie, known for support and healing, becomes a playable character in Persona 4. With skills like Bufudyne and Mabufudyne, his solid Magic stat allows him to be a potent Magic attacker.

Despite his versatile skill set, Teddie may get overshadowed by other characters due to his broad skill pool. His abilities are more geared towards buffing allies rather than direct attacks, making him a strategic choice for party composition.

4 Ann Takamaki (Panther)

Personas: Carmen, Hecate, Celestine

Magic Skills:

  • Agi -> Agilao - > Agidyne
  • Maragi -> Maragion -> Maragidyne -> Blazing Hell

Ann, with her high Magic Stat, excels in fire-based magic in Persona 5/Royal. Her abilities like Fire Amp and Celestine make her a force to be reckoned with, especially in the third semester.

Her balanced stats ensure she can withstand hits while dealing massive fire damage, making her a valuable asset in battles against fire-weak enemies.

3 Mitsuru Kirijo

Personas: Penthesilea, Artemisia

Magic Skills:

  • Bufu -> Bufula -> Bufudyne -> Diamond Dust
  • Mabufu -> Mabufula -> Mabufudyne

Mitsuru's return to combat in Persona 3 marks her prowess in Ice Skills. With high Magic and Ice Amp, she can devastate foes with her ice-based attacks.

Guarding her against fire attacks is essential due to her vulnerability, but her overall magic strength makes her an invaluable asset in the party's offense.

2 Yukiko Amagi

Personas: Konohana Sakuya, Amaterasu, Sumeo-Okami

Magic Skills:

  • Agi -> Agilao -> Agidyne
  • Maragi -> Maragiion -> Maragidyne -> Burning Petals

Yukiko stands out in Persona 4/Golden as a top-tier healer and magic user. Her potent healing abilities and fire-based attacks make her a versatile asset to the team.

While her strength lies in magic, her lower physical prowess requires strategic positioning in battles to leverage her healing and offensive magic effectively.

1 Yukari Takeba

Personas: Io, Isis

Magic Skills:

  • Garu -> Garula -> Garudyne
  • Magaru -> Magarula -> Magarudyne

Yukari's proficiency in healing and wind-based magic makes her a vital member of the Persona 3 team. Her healing abilities and wind attacks are crucial in battles against enemies weak to wind.

While vulnerable to Zio attacks, Yukari's consistent healing support and magic prowess make her an indispensable team member, especially in prolonged battles.