Palworld Elemental Combinations: Top Picks

Discover the most powerful type combinations in Palworld that can give you a winning edge in battles.
Palworld Elemental Combinations: Top Picks


  • Dual Dark & Dragon-type Pals like Astegon nullify weaknesses and resistances, making them powerful late-game choices.
  • Fire-type Pals boast the best defense in Palworld, resisting attacks from a large number of other elemental Pals.
  • Ice-type Pals are great for offense, with their freeze-inducing attacks disrupting enemy Pal chains in battles.

Exploring the diverse elemental types of Palworld, which are embodied by the 137 Pals in the game (soon to be 138), reveals various strengths and weaknesses. In Palworld, just like in other games with elemental mechanics, certain elements have advantages over others. For instance, fire-type skills deal double damage to grass-type Pals while a water Pal is only minimally affected by fire-type attacks.

The primary elements in Palworld - Water, Fire, Grass, Ground, and Electric - follow a circular chart of weaknesses and resistances. On the other hand, Ice, Dragon, Dark, and Neutral elements offer distinct advantages. Let's delve into some of the most potent type combinations that Pals can possess in Palworld, considering the array of elemental Pals available and the effectiveness of these combinations in battle.

Pure Dragon-Type

Featuring Elphidran, Quivern, & Jetragon

The pure Dragon-type alignment may seem singular, but it essentially represents a double strength in one element. Dragon-type Pals are vulnerable only to ice skills and completely impervious to dark-type attacks. Notably, dark-type adversaries are prevalent in Palworld, with Dark being the most prevalent element in the game.

While Ice-type Pals are not abundant, they typically appear in the late game, particularly in the Astral Mountains region, posing minimal threat to pure Dragon-type Pals until then.

    Dark & Dragon-Types

    Exemplified by Astegon's Rare Dual Typing

    The Dark and Dragon dual-type, though scarce, is embodied by Astegon, a formidable late-game Pal. This unique combination eliminates weaknesses typically associated with each element. Dragons are weak to Ice but resist Dark, while Dark-types are vulnerable to Dragons and resistant to Neutrals. Astegon's fusion of Dark and Dragon nullifies its vulnerability to Ice as a pure Dragon-type and counters its weakness to Dragon as a pure Dark-type.

    Pure Fire-Type

    Unexpectedly the Sturdiest Element

    Despite its commonality, the Fire-type in Palworld boasts the highest overall resistance among elemental Pals. In a hypothetical scenario where a pure Fire-type Pal faces attacks from all other Pals using their elemental skills, it would withstand approximately 62 of those assaults. This defensive prowess makes Fire-type Pals formidable, though their offensive capabilities can also wreak havoc on wooden structures.

    Pure Dark-Type

    The Predominant Element in Palworld

    Dark-type Pals face minimal threats due to their sole weakness, the uncommon Dragon-type. With over 26 Dark-type Pals in Palworld, the 14 Dragon-type Pals rank among the least represented elements in the game. Additionally, the prevalence of Neutral-type moves further enhances the advantage of pure Dark-type Pals.

    Pure Ice-Type

    Frequent 'Frozen' Status Effect

    Palworld distinguishes itself with real-time combat, where Pals attack promptly without turn-based delays. Ice-type Pals excel in offense by inflicting freeze-inducing attacks, disrupting enemy Pal sequences. The prevalence of Ice-type skills in their repertoire enables them to immobilize opponents effectively, paving the way for uninterrupted assaults.

    Pure Electric-Type

    Easily Electrifying Opponents

    Similar to Ice-types, Electric-type Pals excel in offense in Palworld. Electric attacks frequently induce the 'shocked' effect, impeding enemy Pal actions. This effect triggers consistently with each Electric-type attack, providing a reliable mechanism to slow down adversaries. Despite being the scarcest element, Electric-type Pals are potent offensive assets.

    Water & Ice Type

    Featuring Pengullet & Penking

    Despite the multitude of Pals in Palworld, dual-type Pals with distinct elements are scarce. Out of 137 Pals, only 25 possess dual typings, with Pengullet and Penking embodying both Water and Ice types. The synergy of these elements offers strategic advantages:

    • Water's resistance to Fire counters Ice's vulnerability, resulting in standard damage from Fire-type attacks.
    • The dual typing grants resistance against approximately 68 Pals sharing elements resisted by Water and Ice.
    • Pengullet and Penking acquire a diverse skill set of Water and Ice abilities, enhancing their versatility in battles.

    While statistically not the most potent, Pengullet's typing and impressive Partner Skill make it a valuable asset. Similarly, Penking, known for its utility in base operations, proves advantageous in team compositions.

    Fire & Dragon-Types

    Embodied by Jormuntide Ignis

    Jormuntide Ignis, the sole Pal with Fire and Dragon typings in Palworld, offers a versatile blend of strengths:

    • Resists both Grass and Dark types.
    • Avoids the Ice-type weakness associated with pure Dragon-types.
    • Deals extra damage to Dark types and mitigates the vulnerability to Ice types, showcasing a well-rounded offensive and defensive profile.

    With its broad resistances and offensive capabilities, Jormuntide Ignis stands out as a formidable force in Palworld, excelling in both attack and defense.