Top Guns to Dominate Warzone Season 3

Discover the latest weapon meta in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 3 and stay ahead of the game.
Top Guns to Dominate Warzone Season 3


  • Explore the best weapons in the current Warzone Season 3 meta.
  • Adapt your gameplay with top-tier guns like the HRM-9 and Bruen MK9.
  • Master the MORS sniper rifle for precise long-range eliminations.

Call of Duty: Warzone demands strategic weapon choices to secure victories in the intense gameplay. Understanding the evolving meta is crucial for players aiming to excel in Season 3.

The Season 3 update brought a wave of changes to Call of Duty: Warzone, introducing new weaponry and adjustments to existing arms. This shift reshaped the meta landscape. Let's delve into the standout firearms in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 3.

Top Picks for Warzone Season 3


The Renetti initially rose to prominence in Season 3 due to its versatility and power, especially when enhanced with the JAK Ferocity Carbine kit. Despite a subsequent nerf reducing its effectiveness, the Renetti remains a viable choice in the current meta, offering competitive performance.


With the Renetti nerf, the HRM-9 has emerged as a strong alternative for close-quarters combat, boasting a slightly faster time-to-kill. Players seeking an edge in short-range engagements may find the HRM-9 to be a superior option post-update.

Bruen MK9

For those favoring medium-range encounters, the Bruen MK9 LMG stands out as a reliable choice. Despite recent adjustments, its accuracy and ammo capacity make it a formidable weapon for controlling engagements from a distance.

SOA Subverter

The SOA Subverter offers long-range precision, catering to players who excel in extended-distance combat. While its recoil may pose a challenge, optimizing attachments can enhance its performance across various ranges, making it a popular choice among marksman enthusiasts.


Rounding off the list is the deadly MORS sniper rifle, known for its one-shot potential. Perfecting quick-scoping with the MORS demands precision and practice, offering unparalleled lethality in the hands of skilled marksmen willing to put in the effort.