Top First Levels in FPS Games

Discover the standout opening levels that set the stage for epic gaming experiences in the FPS genre.
Top First Levels in FPS Games


  • First levels in FPS games play a crucial role in captivating players from the start.
  • These iconic levels showcase immersive storytelling, intense action, and innovative game design.
  • Explore how these first levels have left a lasting impact on the gaming industry.

Initial encounters in video games hold immense significance, shaping players' expectations and engagement. The following first-person shooters excel at delivering captivating opening sequences that leave a lasting impression.

Each game employs unique approaches to captivate players, whether through immediate action-packed scenarios or intriguing narrative setups. These standout first levels often resonate with players long after they have progressed through the game.

8 GoldenEye 007

The Dam

GoldenEye 007 masterfully expands a brief movie snippet into a complete gaming level, immersing players in its world. The meticulously designed Dam level creates a realistic environment, guiding players organically towards objectives without intrusive markers.

7 Half-Life

Black Mesa Inbound

Half-Life revolutionized FPS storytelling, blending narrative seamlessly with gameplay. The introductory Black Mesa Inbound segment sets the stage by offering a glimpse into the facility's routine before chaos ensues.

6 Wolfenstein: New Colossus

Killing Nazis In A Wheelchair

Wolfenstein: New Colossus delivers a powerful opening as players embody BJ Blazkowicz in a wheelchair, symbolizing defiance against oppression. This impactful sequence, coupled with a poignant flashback, sets the tone for the game's narrative journey.

5 Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault


  • Developer: 2015, Inc.
  • Release Date: January 22, 2002
  • Platforms: PC

Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault immerses players in the harrowing D-Day invasion, capturing the intensity of battle against overwhelming odds. Drawing inspiration from cinematic masterpieces, this level conveys a sense of urgency and danger, setting a high bar for the rest of the game.

4 Deus Ex

Stopping A Hostile Takeover Of The Statue Of Liberty

Deus Ex introduces players to its intricate gameplay mechanics through the Liberty Island level, blending openness with clear objectives. This engaging level serves as a tutorial for the game's complexities, ensuring players are invested from the start.

3 Doom

Level 1-1, Keeping It Simple

Doom's iconic 1-1 level symbolizes a pivotal moment in FPS history, introducing many to the genre's thrilling gameplay. The simplicity of this level, with its gradual increase in challenge, remains a nostalgic experience for gamers, showcasing the game's timeless appeal.

2 Duke Nukem 3D

Hollywood Holocaust

Duke Nukem 3D's opening level, Hollywood Holocaust, blends classic design with modern FPS elements, offering a unique gaming experience. Set in an interactive urban environment, this level reflects the game's fusion of old-school charm and contemporary gameplay mechanics.

1 TimeSplitters 2


TimeSplitters 2 kicks off with a dynamic dam level that showcases diverse gameplay elements, setting the stage for an unpredictable journey. The level's blend of stealth, action, and unexpected twists establishes the game's reputation for innovation and player engagement.