Ranking the Best Princess Characters in Final Fantasy Games

Explore the standout princess characters in the iconic Final Fantasy series known for its royal heroes and villains.
Ranking the Best Princess Characters in Final Fantasy Games


  • Royal figures have been a consistent theme in Final Fantasy games, showcasing a mix of royal heroes and villains.
  • Princesses like Ursula, Garnet, and Faris play significant roles as Summoners and strong characters in the franchise.
  • Characters like Lunafreya and Ashe exhibit strong willpower and physical strength, standing out as resilient princesses in the Final Fantasy universe.

Over the decades, Final Fantasy has seen many changes, from evolving storylines to recurring elements like crystals and job systems. However, one aspect that remains constant is the presence of kingdoms and royal figures. The series boasts a plethora of royal characters, both virtuous and villainous, such as Prince Sabin from Final Fantasy 6 and Queen Brahne from Final Fantasy 9. But what about the princesses? Let's delve into the remarkable heroines from Square Enix's beloved franchise.

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7 Sarah

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

Sarah features in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin, an iteration closely tied to the original Final Fantasy 1. While her role isn't massive, she plays a more prominent part in this remake, offering guidance to the protagonist, Jack, and hinting at a budding affection for him. Another 'Sarah' iteration is found in Final Fantasy 3 as Sara Altney, albeit with a smaller role.

6 Ursula

Final Fantasy 4: The After Years

Final Fantasy 4 uniquely received a direct sequel, Final Fantasy 4: The After Years, continuing the saga with the original characters' offspring. Ursula, daughter of the martial artist Yang, inherits her father's combat prowess and is determined to uphold her kingdom's honor. She embodies strength and dedication, honoring her lineage.

5 Lunafreya Nox Fleuret

Final Fantasy 15

Lunafreya in Final Fantasy 15 epitomizes tragedy as Noctis' betrothed, facing the ravages of war and sacrificing herself against the empire. Her summoning of Leviathan showcases her bravery, culminating in a poignant conclusion alongside Noctis. Her resilience and sacrifice leave a lasting impact.

4 Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca

Final Fantasy 12

Ashelia, or Ashe, from Final Fantasy 12, assumes the role of Princess of Dalmasca, fiercely resisting an invading nation. Despite Vaan being the nominal lead, Ashe's determination drives the narrative, showcasing both her indomitable will and physical prowess in combat. Her swordsmanship and resolve set her apart as a formidable princess.

3 Jill Warrick

Final Fantasy 16

Jill, akin to Lunafreya, possesses Summon powers linked to Shiva in Final Fantasy 16. Her journey as a Dominant, wielding Shiva's might for justice after enduring enslavement, showcases her resilience and growth. Despite her minimal dialogue, Jill's arc is compelling, emphasizing her quest for redemption and self-discovery.

2 Garnet Til Alexandros The 17th

Final Fantasy 9

Garnet in Final Fantasy 9 undergoes a transformative journey, renouncing her mother's tyrannical ways to embrace a newfound identity. Adopting the moniker Dagger, she evolves from a sheltered princess to a resilient Summoner, uncovering her true heritage amid revelations of her past. Garnet's growth and inner strength shine amidst adversity.

1 Faris

Final Fantasy 5

Faris hails from Final Fantasy 5 as a pivotal member of the party, initially disguised as a pirate before revealing her royal lineage. Her dual role as a pirate princess embodies a compelling archetype, influencing similar character tropes in media. Faris' strength and complexity make her a standout princess, adding depth to the narrative and character dynamics.