Top Evil Mother Characters in Video Games

Exploring the dark side of motherhood in video game narratives
Top Evil Mother Characters in Video Games


  • Evil video game mothers can exhibit ruthless behavior but often stand up for themselves without remorse.
  • Some maternal figures in video games transcend traditional roles, becoming either heroes or formidable antagonists.
  • The most memorable video game moms are those who display neglectful, abusive, or outright evil tendencies towards their offspring.

While many video game moms are portrayed as nurturing and caring, some stand out for their malevolent and cruel nature. These characters challenge the conventional depiction of motherhood by inflicting pain and atrocities, often even on their own children.

Here are some of the most notorious evil mothers in video game history:

10 Jimmy's Mom - Bully

Neglectful Narcissist

Jimmy's mom from Bully may seem trendy with her purple leopard jacket, but beneath the facade lies a self-absorbed figure who prioritizes her own desires over parenting responsibilities.

Despite her limited on-screen presence, her actions speak volumes. Opting to send Jimmy to boarding school to embark on a year-long cruise exemplifies her selfish and detached nature.

9 The Boss - Metal Gear Solid 3

From Ally to Adversary

Once a respected soldier and mentor, The Boss in Metal Gear Solid 3 undergoes a tragic transformation from a maternal figure to a formidable foe due to her unwavering loyalty to military directives.

Her descent into antagonism serves as a poignant narrative arc, blurring the lines between ally and enemy.

8 Mother Boss - The Binding of Isaac

Fanatic Faith-Driven Figure

Within The Binding of Isaac, Mother Boss embodies extreme religious zeal, convinced that divine command necessitates the sacrifice of her own child as a testament of faith.

Her distorted beliefs drive her to unspeakable acts, culminating in a harrowing showdown where players confront her monstrous manifestations.