Unveiling the Darkest Elder Scrolls Characters

Meet the malevolent Elder Scrolls characters who stop at nothing to fulfill their sinister desires, even if it means sacrificing those around them.
Unveiling the Darkest Elder Scrolls Characters


  • Discover the essence of chaotic evil in Elder Scrolls, characterized by murderous impulses, unpredictable behavior, and extreme selfishness.
  • Characters such as Cicero, Boethiah, and Mankar Camoran epitomize the chaotic evil alignment within the game.
  • Witness the insatiable thirst for revolt and bloodshed embodied by Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon, employing tactics ranging from subtle manipulation to catastrophic destruction.

Embracing chaotic evil in The Elder Scrolls universe entails indulging in erratic, selfish, and often violent behavior without a shred of remorse, reflecting a twisted sense of enjoyment in others' suffering.

Only the most formidable and perilous entities in the Elder Scrolls realm, including gods, daedra, and occasionally the player themselves, adopt the chaotic evil alignment due to their detached view of reality or insatiable thirst for power.

The Eccentric Cicero

The Dark Brotherhood's Unpredictable Assassin

  • Cicero, the jester-assassin, finds solace in the Dark Brotherhood, where he can freely indulge in his murderous tendencies.
  • His erratic and whimsical demeanor is a hallmark of chaotic evil, driven by years of isolation and devotion to the Dark Brotherhood's cause.

Cicero's dual persona as a comedian and killer perfectly embodies the essence of chaotic evil, especially evident in his maniacal behavior and dark sense of humor. His time in seclusion with the Night Mother's remains nurtured his madness, making him a formidable yet unpredictable agent of chaos within the Brotherhood.

Upon discovering the Falkreath Sanctuary in Skyrim, Cicero unleashes his lethal skills, reverting to his bloodthirsty nature and relishing in the mayhem he creates.

Boethiah: The Deceptive Deity

The Scheming Daedric Prince of Betrayal

  • Boethiah's penchant for violence and treachery categorizes them as chaotic evil, despite some viewing them as a benevolent Daedric entity.
  • Their demand for anarchy and bloodshed knows no bounds, reflecting their disdain for order and authority.

Known for inciting rebellion and discord, Boethiah epitomizes chaotic evil through their ruthless pursuit of personal gain at the expense of others. While revered by the Dunmer as a force of good, Boethiah's insatiable thirst for chaos and destruction transcends moral boundaries.

Whether assuming male or female forms, Boethiah thrives on conflict, subversion, and upheaval, reveling in the chaos and carnage they sow among mortals.

Alduin: The Rogue Dragon

The Defiant Bringer of Apocalypse

  • Initially tasked with ending epochs, Alduin deviates from his divine purpose to assert dominance over Tamriel through tyranny and destruction.
  • His pursuit of power and chaos epitomizes a "survival of the fittest" ethos, showcasing his disregard for order and life.

As Akatosh's renegade creation, Alduin forsakes his apocalyptic role to subjugate mortals, embodying chaotic evil by imposing his will through force and fear. Despite his dominance, Alduin lacks a coherent strategy, opting for brute strength and soul consumption to satisfy his thirst for supremacy.

Driven by a desire for control and desolation, Alduin's defiance against his divine purpose culminates in a reign of terror, compelling the Last Dragonborn in Skyrim to confront his destructive rampage.

Mephala: The Enigmatic Manipulator

The Mistress of Deception and Intrigue

  • Mephala, the Daedric Prince of secrets, thrives on chaos and suffering, wielding her web of deceit for personal amusement.
  • Her inscrutable motives and sadistic tendencies underscore her association with the darkest facets of chaotic evil.

Shrouded in enigma, Mephala embodies chaos and malevolence, orchestrating intricate schemes and reveling in the misery she orchestrates. Through artifacts like the Ebony Blade, she manipulates mortals into committing heinous acts, deriving pleasure from the resulting torment and discord.

Unconstrained by mortal ethics, Mephala's insidious machinations epitomize the unpredictable and malevolent nature of chaotic evil, leaving a trail of devastation in her wake.