Top EA Video Game Heroes of All Time

Discover the most memorable EA protagonists from various genres who have left a lasting impact on gamers worldwide.
Top EA Video Game Heroes of All Time


  • Explore a diverse range of EA game heroes beyond sports genres.
  • From comedic characters to noble Jedi, EA has crafted a variety of memorable protagonists.
  • Uncover the iconic hero who revolutionized RPG gaming in the Mass Effect series.

EA has a rich history in gaming, evolving from its sports titles to create iconic characters across various genres. While sports games have been a staple for EA, the company has also ventured into developing heroes that resonate with players on a deeper level.

Let's delve into the world of EA game heroes, exploring a mix of comedic, action-packed, and heroic characters that have captured the hearts of gamers worldwide.

8 DeathSpank

The Main Hero Of A Short-Lived But Funny Series

  • Introduced: July 13, 2010
  • Developer: Hothead Games
  • Platforms: PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

DeathSpank, the quirky hero of his eponymous series, brought a blend of humor and action to players. With gameplay reminiscent of Diablo, DeathSpank's adventures were filled with comedy and loot, making for an entertaining gaming experience.

7 James Bond

Brought The Best Of The Movies, And Pierce Brosnan, Into Game Form

James Bond, immortalized in the gaming world, transcended the silver screen with titles like James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing. Featuring Pierce Brosnan's likeness and voice, this game offered a cinematic experience akin to the beloved Bond movies.

6 Cody/May

A Couple That Evolves Throughout The Game

It Takes Two introduced Cody and May, a couple navigating through challenges in a whimsical co-op adventure. As players guide the duo through trials mirroring their own marital struggles, the game emphasizes teamwork and communication.

5 Grayson Hunt

A Protagonist With An Over-The-Top Attitude Reminiscent Of Duke Nukem

Grayson Hunt, the charismatic lead of Bulletstorm, brought a unique blend of humor and action to the gaming world. With gameplay elements akin to Duke Nukem, Grayson's over-the-top persona and gameplay mechanics set him apart as a memorable protagonist.

4 Eddie Riggs

The Perfect Video Game Embodiment Of School Of Rock Jack Black

Eddie Riggs, portrayed by Jack Black in Brutal Legend, embodied the spirit of rock and roll in a fantastical world. With a blend of music and action, Eddie's journey through a metal-infused landscape resonated with players, offering a unique gaming experience.

3 Isaac Clarke

A Hero Made Famous By His Iconic Suit

Isaac Clarke, the iconic protagonist of the Dead Space franchise, stood out for his distinctive engineer suit and unwavering determination. As a skilled engineer facing terrifying foes, Isaac's silent yet impactful presence captivated players in a thrilling sci-fi horror experience.

2 Cal Kestis

A Jedi Who Goes From A Whiner To A Brave Soul

Cal Kestis, an evolving Jedi in the Star Wars Jedi series, underwent a transformative journey from uncertainty to bravery. As players witness Cal's growth and development in the sequel, his character evolves into a noble and charismatic hero, making him a standout protagonist in the gaming universe.

1 Commander Shepard

The Iconic Leader Of The Normandy And Hero Of The Mass Effect Universe

Commander Shepard, the legendary hero of the Mass Effect series, remains unparalleled in the realm of RPG gaming. With a customizable experience and impactful decision-making, players have embraced Shepard as a symbol of choice and heroism in an expansive sci-fi saga.