The Most Remarkable Dark Brotherhood Members in Skyrim and Oblivion

Exploring the intriguing characters within the Dark Brotherhood guilds of Skyrim and Oblivion, known for their captivating stories and stealthy assassinations.
The Most Remarkable Dark Brotherhood Members in Skyrim and Oblivion


  • The Dark Brotherhood in The Elder Scrolls series is renowned for its fascinating characters and quests, requiring stealth and cunning to execute clever murders.
  • Members like Nazir, Gogron gro-Bolmog, Babette, M'raaj-Dar, Cicero, Astrid, Vicente Valtieri, and Lucien Lachance contribute depth and memorable experiences to the Dark Brotherhood.
  • Astrid's thirst for power and betrayal ultimately leads to her downfall, while characters like Cicero and Babette offer distinctive and eerie perspectives as assassins.

The Dark Brotherhood is a group of assassins operating in The Elder Scrolls universe. While players encountered these assassins in The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, they could only join the faction in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. The Dark Brotherhood holds great intrigue with its characters and quests across Oblivion and Skyrim. Fans eagerly anticipate the next Elder Scrolls installment and the role of the Dark Brotherhood within it.

These quests were enjoyable due to the requirement for cunning and stealth to execute clever murders. Furthermore, the faction's other members make it a delight to explore The Dark Brotherhood hideout in each game. Some of these members happen to be the best NPCs in their respective Elder Scrolls games.

8 Nazir

Dedicated and Loyal to Skyrim's Sanctuary

Nazir, a Redguard assassin working for the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim, is likely one of the first faction members that players interact with. He is tasked with assigning the Dragonborn's initial assassination targets for the guild. Known for his knowledge and loyalty, Nazir remains a constant presence throughout the quests and is one of the few members to survive the story's climax, subsequently providing the player with new contracts.

7 Gogron gro-Bolmog

An Orc Who Enjoys Loud Assassinations

Gogron gro-Bolmog, an orc, appears unexpectedly friendly and welcoming in the Cheydinhal guild despite the typical portrayal of orcs as brutish warriors. He openly admits his preference for loud assassinations during dialogues, emphasizing the player's freedom to undertake Dark Brotherhood quests in their chosen fashion.

6 Babette

A Vampire Trapped in a Child's Body

Babette, one of the most terrifying assassins in Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood, possesses the appearance of a ten-year-old child despite being three hundred years old, her aging arrested due to vampirism. Her wealth of knowledge and ability to train the player in Alchemy highlight her usefulness, and she survives till the quest's end.

5 M'raaj-Dar

Bitter Assassin and Khajiit Mage

Upon entering the Cheydinhal guild, players encounter the Khajiit M'raaj-Dar, who initially displays resentment and rudeness. Despite his initial demeanor, he later apologizes to the player and offers reduced-cost magic training, showcasing a hint of character development before meeting his unfortunate fate.

4 Cicero

A Mad Jester Devoted to the Night Mother

Cicero, an eccentric jester in Skyrim, is a memorable character deeply consumed by madness. His past in the Cheydinhal sanctuary and his aspiration to serve as the Night Mother's next Listener unfold through discovered journals. Players are tasked with either hunting him down, allowing for an entertaining albeit vexing companion, or ending his crazed antics.

3 Astrid

Betraying Leader

Astrid, a prominent member of the Falkreath sanctuary in Skyrim, recruits players into the guild and exudes authority within the faction. Despite her leadership, her desire for power and failure to adhere to the Five Tenets lead to her demise during the story's climax, making her one of the first casualties in the attack. Interactions with Astrid increase as players progress, eventually receiving new contracts once they attain higher ranks, showcasing her significance within the order despite her downfall.

2 Vicente Valtieri

A Benevolent Vampiric Figure

Encountering Vincete Valtieri, a vampire, in the Cheydinhal sanctuary in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion presents a surprising contrast to the expected demeanor of a member of such a murderous organization. His composed nature and enthusiastic reception of the player character, along with offering initial contracts and the potential to transform the player into a vampire, stand out. Unfortunately, Vincete meets his end when the sanctuary is cleansed.

1 Lucien Lachance

The Catalyst of Dark Brotherhood

Lucien Lachance, the figure responsible for initiating players into the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion, offers them the opportunity to join the guild in exchange for the life of Rufio, making a lasting impression. Serving under the Night Mother as a member of the Black Hand, Lachance holds players in high regard as they carry out assassinations for the guild. Tragically, he meets his demise while aiding the player in investigating a traitor, falling victim to the very Brotherhood he sought to assist.