Experience the Best Cosmic Horror Games

Dive into the unsettling and fantastic world of cosmic horror through these immersive games.
Experience the Best Cosmic Horror Games


  • Explore eerie worlds filled with Lovecraftian horrors and eldritch abominations
  • Challenge your perceptions of reality and humanity in these unique gaming experiences
  • Embark on terrifying adventures that will keep you on the edge of your seat

Step into the realm of horror gaming where various genres meet cosmic terror. Whether survival, fantasy, or sci-fi, these games blend their unique flavors with layers of fright that promise to chill players to the bone. Cosmic horror, inspired by the incomprehensible worlds of H.P. Lovecraft, pushes the boundaries of human imagination, offering a glimpse into the unfathomable.

Cosmic horror games have gained immense popularity, delving into the realms of Old Gods, eldritch beings, and existential questions about the human condition. These games not only thrill and terrify but also provoke deep contemplation about our place in the vast cosmos. While many games have already made a mark in this genre, there are always more lurking in the shadows, waiting to be discovered. Let's explore a few eldritch horror games that deserve your attention.

11 Conarium

Unravel the Mysteries of Existence

Delve into the depths of humanity's essence in the Lovecraftian adventure, Conarium. Follow Frank Gilman, a scientist in Antarctica, as he navigates through enigmatic events and uncovers forgotten memories. The game weaves a tale of cosmic horror, blending eerie dreams and chilling visions that will captivate any Lovecraft enthusiast.

10 The Sinking City

Plunge into a World of Madness

Join Charles Reed, a war veteran turned detective, on a harrowing journey to uncover the source of nightmarish visions plaguing the city of Oakmont. The Sinking City immerses players in a Victorian town teeming with occult mysteries and a creeping sense of dread. Prepare to confront eldritch monstrosities and ancient horrors lurking in the shadows.

9 Moons of Madness

Experience Cosmic Dread in Space

  • Platform(s): PS4, Xbox One, PC
  • Released: October 22nd, 2019
  • Genre(s): Adventure
  • Developer(s): Rock Pocket Games, Dreamloop Games

Moons of Madness ventures beyond earthly confines, plunging players into a Lovecraftian nightmare set on the desolate Mars. Unravel the chilling secrets of the red planet as you grapple with cosmic terrors and mind-bending hallucinations. Brace yourself for a spacefaring adventure that will test your sanity amidst the void of the unknown.