The Brainiest Characters in the Life Is Strange Series

Discover the sharpest minds in the Life Is Strange universe
The Brainiest Characters in the Life Is Strange Series


  • David Madsen showcases surprising intelligence and redemption in Life Is Strange
  • Steph Gingrich emerges as a beloved and highly intelligent character in the franchise
  • Chloe Price defies expectations with her unexpected brilliance in the Life Is Strange series

The Life Is Strange series has garnered immense popularity over the last decade, featuring a diverse array of flawed yet endearing characters. Among them, a multitude of remarkably intelligent characters enrich the narrative, influencing the player's journey through the series.

From academically inclined individuals to those possessing exceptional social intelligence, the series boasts an impressive lineup of intellectually gifted characters, each contributing to the player's experience in unique ways.

7 David Madsen (Life Is Strange)

The unexpected intelligence of the unlikable Madsen

Initially perceived as an unsympathetic character, David Madsen, despite his abrasive demeanor, ultimately demonstrates remarkable intelligence and redemption in Life Is Strange. Despite his questionable actions, he proves to be a pivotal figure, showcasing unexpected astuteness and resourcefulness.

David Madsen, while not universally liked, undoubtedly possesses a sharp mind.

6 Steph Gingrich (Life Is Strange: True Colors)

Steph's sharp wit and intellect shine through

Steph Gingrich, a cherished character renowned for her wit and charm, emerges as a highly intelligent individual in Life Is Strange: True Colors. Her invaluable assistance in unraveling the central mystery underscores her exceptional intellect and endears her to players.

Steph's combination of intelligence and affability establishes her as one of the most well-rounded characters in the franchise.

5 Chloe Price (Life Is Strange)

Chloe's unexpected brilliance defies stereotypes

Chloe Price, known for her rebellious persona, defies expectations with her unexpected brilliance in the Life Is Strange series. Despite her punk exterior, Chloe's surprising intellect significantly contributes to solving the series' intricate mysteries, solidifying her as the smartest character in the franchise.

Chloe Price, a beloved and multifaceted character, continually surprises with her hidden depths and intellect.