Top 5 BioWare Heroes You Need to Know

Discover the most iconic and unforgettable protagonists from BioWare games.
Top 5 BioWare Heroes You Need to Know


  • BioWare games introduce players to diverse and captivating heroes with rich backgrounds that can be shaped by player choices.
  • Embark on epic adventures embodying legendary characters like the Spirit Monk, Hawke, the Inquisitor, the Warden, and Commander Shepard.
  • From overcoming formidable foes to achieving greatness from humble beginnings, BioWare protagonists are a blend of strength, courage, and relatability.

BioWare has a tradition of creating remarkable protagonists who evolve from established heroes to rising stars or underdogs who make a mark through player-driven narratives. Each BioWare game offers a unique protagonist, allowing players to influence and define their character.

From the space-faring odyssey of Mass Effect to the enchanting realms of the Dragon Age series, players have been captivated by the diverse and thrilling adventures alongside some truly exceptional protagonists.

5 Spirit Monk

A Courageous Figure in Jade Empire

Set in a world inspired by Chinese mythology, players step into the shoes of the Spirit Monk, a martial arts expert on a quest to save their mentor, Master Li, with the help of newfound allies.

Players can customize their character's stats and combat style, shaping the Monk's journey through decisions echoing BioWare's signature morality system. The Spirit Monk's story, including the possibility of making the ultimate sacrifice, showcases bravery and nobility.

4 Hawke

From Underdog to Champion in Dragon Age 2

In Dragon Age 2, players meet Hawke, who transitions from a refugee fleeing the Blight to the savior of Kirkwall, protecting the city from a corrupt leader.

Hawke's journey, marked by personal sacrifices and unwavering loyalty to family, resonates with players, showcasing resilience and heroism. Rising from adversity, Hawke's tale is a testament to courage.

3 The Inquisitor

A Heroic Presence in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Challenged by the malevolent Corypheus in Dragon Age: Inquisition, the Inquisitor emerges as the key figure tasked with restoring order and thwarting a world-threatening breach.

Customization options allow players to shape the Inquisitor's path, defining their moral compass through choices. A resolute and valiant character, the Inquisitor embodies the essence of a heroic leader players can't help but admire.

2 The Warden

Diverse Origins for a Unique Journey in Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins introduces players to the Grey Wardens, tasked with combating a Blight, offering a customizable origin story that shapes the character's destiny.

By selecting race and class, players craft a personalized narrative, enhancing replay value and character depth. The Warden's adaptability and likability make them a standout protagonist in gaming history.

1 Commander Shepard

A Legendary Military Leader in Mass Effect

Shepard, the renowned protagonist of the Mass Effect series, embodies the epitome of a battle-hardened commander facing the galaxy's greatest threat, the Reapers.

Offering players a chance to define Shepard's legacy through choices and actions, the character's humanity and vulnerabilities add depth to their heroism. Shepard's journey is a testament to resilience and sacrifice in the face of overwhelming odds.