Top Axes for Tank Builds in Enshrouded

Discover the most formidable axes tailored for players aiming to excel as tanky melee-focused characters in the world of Enshrouded.
Top Axes for Tank Builds in Enshrouded


  • Enshrouded's axes provide a mix of cutting and blunt damage, ideal for warrior and tank loadouts.
  • Seek out axes like the Tainted Axe and Wolf Pack Axe in the early and mid-game phases for optimal DPS output.
  • Consider the Deeproot Axe and Guillotine Axe, potent two-handed choices for warrior builds, boasting high damage and parry attributes.

Are you ready to embrace the tank or warrior role in Enshrouded? Axes can be a fascinating weapon choice for players seeking a robust melee combat experience. These weapons come in either one-handed variants, perfect for pairing with a shield, or two-handed options for maximizing damage per second. What sets axes apart is their ability to deal both cutting and blunt damage simultaneously, making them versatile and effective for straightforward solo builds.

Since its launch at the beginning of 2024, Enshrouded has captured the hearts of many action role-playing enthusiasts. The meticulously designed game world has garnered significant acclaim for its blend of sandbox open-world exploration, subtle quest guidance, and engaging base-building mechanics. Without delay, let's delve into a selection of the game's finest axes.

7 Tainted Axe

Obtainable Early in Your Journey


  • Damage: 47
  • Durability: 250

Players aiming to develop a tank-oriented build in Enshrouded should consider starting with the Tainted Axe. This weapon is commonly found as an uncommon or rare drop, but the possibility of acquiring a legendary version, as depicted here, exists. With balanced cutting and blunt damage, the Tainted Axe is a reliable choice for aspiring tanks.

The axe can be obtained from silver or golden chests, with the latter offering a higher chance of securing a legendary-grade Tainted Axe. Alternatively, bosses in the Springlands region also drop this axe, providing a dynamic alternative for players uninterested in static loot chest farming.

6 Wolf Pack Axe

Easily Attainable in the Mid-Game


  • Damage: 47
  • Durability: 260

The Wolf Pack Axe serves as a straightforward option for novice players once they have acquired basic gear and unlocked the Nomad Highlands area. Accessing the Ancient Spire within this zone allows for swift travel, granting entry to a room north of the spire containing a golden chest housing the Wolf Pack Axe.

Within the same chest, players may also find the Frozen Call Wand and Apprentice Wand. Utilizing the reload/respawn technique may be necessary to secure a legendary variant of this axe due to the shared loot table.

5 Hair Splitter

Mid-Game Axe Acquired from Various Locations


  • Damage: 47
  • Durability: 280

The Hair Splitter presents itself as a dependable mid-game one-handed axe, obtainable from two distinct locations: Nomad Highlands and Kindlewaste. As a chest loot item, players are advised to seek out a golden chest in either area to increase the likelihood of acquiring a legendary-grade axe.

Kindlewaste, conveniently located and typically uncovered during the Alchemist crafting NPC quest, lies a mere 1000 meters from the starting point. Several points of interest in this vicinity host golden chests, providing ample opportunities for loot collection through strategic chest farming.

4 Lumenshade Axe

Easily Obtainable in the Kindlewastes Region


  • Damage: 47
  • Durability: 300

Another exceptional one-handed axe available in the Kindlewastes locale, the Lumenshade Axe exclusively drops from golden chests within this region. Numerous points of interest in Kindlewastes spawn these coveted chests, encouraging players to embark on a chest-hunting expedition.

To expedite the acquisition process, players can employ the exit-to-menu and reload game technique, triggering a respawn of most chests in Enshrouded. Stocking up on lockpicks is recommended for uninterrupted chest farming sessions.

3 Lightforged Axe

A Rewarding Boss Drop Axe


  • Damage: 47
  • Durability: 300

The Lightforged Axe stands out as a formidable end-game one-handed axe, albeit with a moderate acquisition challenge. Players must be adequately equipped to secure a legendary variant of this axe, which drops from the Vukah Brawler boss in larger Vukah encampments. Higher-level bosses offer increased chances of obtaining a legendary Lightforged Axe.

To farm this coveted weapon, players can simply move out of the boss's rendering range, reload the game, and return to find the boss respawned for repeated battles and potential loot acquisition.

2 Deeproot Axe

A Two-Handed Powerhouse for DPS


  • Damage: 70
  • Parry: 26
  • Durability: 340

The Deeproot Axe is a coveted two-handed weapon tailor-made for warrior-focused builds. While unsuitable for tanks due to its two-handed nature, its substantial 26 parry rating allows for basic block capabilities. Ideal for players pursuing a warrior playstyle, this axe synergizes well with beginner warrior skills.

Acquiring the Deeproot Axe can pose a challenge, despite its proximity to the starting area in the Springfields region. As a low-drop chance item from golden chests in the Scavenger Stash, players may need to invest time in farming these chests to secure a legendary variant.

1 Guillotine Axe

Obtainable from Chests or Bosses


  • Damage: 70
  • Parry: 26
  • Durability: 350

The Guillotine Axe claims the top spot on our list for its distinctive design. Interchangeable with the Deeproot Axe, both serve as exceptional end-game two-handed weapons. While theoretically available in the early to mid-game phases as boss loot in Enshrouded, the drop rates in lower-level zones may prove challenging.

For players seeking the Guillotine Axe, scouring golden chests in the Revelwood area offers the best chance of acquisition. Employing the reload/respawn strategy can optimize chest farming efficiency, increasing the likelihood of securing a legendary-grade Guillotine Axe.