The Best Assault Rifles in Helldivers 2

Discover the top Primary Weapons in Helldivers 2 with this ranking of Assault Rifles based on damage, handling, and armor penetration.
The Best Assault Rifles in Helldivers 2


  • Explore the top Assault Rifles in Helldivers 2 for optimal gameplay.
  • Learn about the unique features and playstyles of each Assault Rifle.
  • Find out where to unlock these powerful weapons in the game.

Assault Rifles play a vital role in Helldivers 2, offering versatility and power to players. Starting with the AR-23 Liberator, gamers soon have the chance to expand their arsenal. The question arises – which Assault Rifles are truly worth the investment?

With four distinct Assault Rifles available, each excels in different aspects such as damage output, handling, and effectiveness against various foes. Dive into the details to understand how each Assault Rifle performs and where to acquire them in the game.

4 AR-23p Liberator Penetrator

Enhanced Precision, Reduced Firepower

  • Offers Semi-Automatic or Single Shot modes
  • Moderate Armor Penetration capabilities
  • Lower DPS compared to the standard Liberator
  • Minimal recoil and sway for better accuracy

At the fourth position is the AR-23p Liberator Penetrator, obtainable on the sixth page of the Helldivers Mobilize Warbond. This Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle sacrifices some firepower of the standard Liberator for enhanced precision due to reduced recoil. While it excels in short to medium-range combat, its limited magazine capacity can be a drawback when facing hordes of enemies.

Once a top choice against Automatons for its accuracy and Medium Armor Penetration, the Penetrator has slipped down the rankings with newer additions like the Adjudicator offering similar features.

3 AR-23c Liberator Concussive

High Impact, Lower Accuracy

  • Equipped with Explosive Rounds
  • Limited Armor Penetration abilities
  • High Damage Per Second (DPS)
  • Moderate to high recoil for increased challenge

Taking a different approach is the AR-23c Liberator Concussive, found on the initial page of the Steeled Veterans Warbond. This rifle trades accuracy for raw power and explosive rounds, resulting in higher recoil and reduced precision. It shines against groups of enemies and proves effective on armored targets. However, players adept at hitting weak spots consistently may find the standard Liberator more suitable due to its lack of explosive capabilities.

2 The BR-14 Adjudicator

Mastering Versatility and Precision

  • Features a Scope option for enhanced aiming
  • Offers Single Shot, Semi-automatic, and Fully-automatic modes
  • Moderate Armor Penetration capabilities
  • High recoil demands skillful handling

The BR-14 Adjudicator, available in the new Democratic Detonation Warbond, presents a challenging yet rewarding gameplay experience. With multiple firing modes and aiming options, including a scope feature, it adapts well to various combat scenarios. Its Medium Armor Penetration makes it a valuable asset in missions with armored adversaries. However, its substantial recoil, akin to shotguns and sniper rifles, requires precise control and strategic decision-making. While effective against Terminids and Automatons in tougher missions, it lacks the overall ease of use provided by the Liberator.

1 AR-23 Liberator

Reliable and Versatile

  • Boasts the highest Magazine Capacity
  • Features Fully Automatic, Semi-automatic, and Single Shot modes
  • Limited Armor Penetration capabilities
  • Offers decent damage output

In Helldivers 2, the AR-23 Liberator stands out as a reliable go-to Assault Rifle. With respectable damage and a generous magazine size, it proves effective across various scenarios. Its primary limitation lies in the lack of Medium Armor Penetration, making it less effective against heavily armored foes. Nevertheless, complementing it with a specialized anti-armor weapon or precise targeting can compensate for this weakness effectively.