Top Angsty Teen Video Game Characters

Discover the most relatable and intense teenage heroes and heroines in gaming.
Top Angsty Teen Video Game Characters


  • Video game teens face challenges beyond typical adolescent issues.
  • These characters battle foes and inner demons in hostile worlds.
  • From rebellious rebels to solemn warriors, these teens mirror real-world struggles.

Adolescence is a turbulent phase with acne, heartaches, and parental misunderstandings. It's no wonder that teens often go through an angsty period.

Teen characters in video games exhibit similar levels of frustration, but their battles involve higher stakes than high school drama. These youths fight villains, survive harsh terrains, and even journey through alternate dimensions.

While some game narratives address mental health topics like depression, others focus on teens who exude angst for various reasons. Whether rebellious or introverted, these characters share a common theme of being misunderstood.

10 Illari

Overwatch 2

At eighteen, Illari teeters on the edge of adulthood. Despite her aloof demeanor, she proves to be a valuable asset in combat.

Illari stands out in Overwatch 2 due to her remarkable abilities - from wielding solar energy balls to swift healing prowess. Her solitary nature and dedication to training make her one of the most formidable warriors in the gaming realm.

9 Alice Liddell

Alice: Madness Returns

Alice Liddell's Wonderland is devoid of whimsical creatures but filled with perilous adversaries like evil teapots and cannon-wielding crabs.

Players guide Alice, an orphan scarred by a tragic past, through a nightmarish world that mirrors her PTSD. Armed with explosive rabbit bombs and a pepper grinder gun, she confronts her inner demons head-on.

8 Knuckles

Sonic Games

Despite his initial maturity, Knuckles, introduced in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 at 16, oscillates between hero and antagonist in the Sonic series.

While Sonic and Tails exude warmth, Knuckles remains aloof and anti-social, driven by a sense of duty as a warrior echidna. Despite his hot temper, he vigilantly guards his territory with unwavering dedication.

7 Jimmy Hopkins


Jimmy Hopkins isn't your typical introverted teen - he's ready to throw down with anyone who crosses him.

Jimmy's rage stems from a troubled past of being shuffled between schools and finally landing in the notorious Bullworth Academy. To survive in this harsh environment, toughness is his armor.

6 Chloe Price

Life is Strange

Chloe Price is no wallflower - she's a rebellious soul prone to troublemaking. Her tough exterior masks deep insecurities stemming from personal losses.

Beneath her tough facade and rebellious acts lies a vulnerable teen struggling with abandonment and change. Her outbursts serve as a shield against inner turmoil caused by her shifting family dynamics.

5 April Ryan

The Longest Journey

April, unlike many teens, doesn't harbor bitterness; instead, she grapples with self-doubt and insecurities.

Uncovering her mystical abilities, April sheds her angsty demeanor to embrace her destiny as a powerful mystical artisan. Her transformation from a misunderstood teen to a revered magic wielder is a tale of growth and self-discovery.

4 Josh Washington

Until Dawn

Josh's character in Until Dawn epitomizes inner turmoil post a family tragedy, showcasing the complexities of teen emotions.

Voiced by Rami Malek, Josh navigates his grief and loneliness with loyalty to his loved ones, offering a glimpse into the nuanced psyche of a troubled but compassionate teen.

3 Raven

Twisted Metal: Black

Raven's tale in Twisted Metal showcases a vengeful teen grappling with trauma and loss, seeking retribution through vehicular combat.

Trapped in Blackfield Asylum, Raven's story unfolds as she harnesses her pain into driving the Shadow, exacting revenge on those who wronged her.

2 Heather Mason

Silent Hill 3

Heather, the lead in Silent Hill 3, epitomizes teenage angst through her tough exterior and relentless pursuit by a malevolent cult.

Faced with nightmarish creatures and a relentless cult, Heather's aggression and sarcasm are justified as she fights for survival against otherworldly horrors.

1 Ellie Williams

The Last of Us

Ellie, an iconic angsty teen, embodies resilience in the face of apocalyptic chaos and government threats.

Despite her rough exterior, Ellie's bravery shines through in The Last of Us Part II, portraying her evolution from a tormented teen to a seasoned survivor. Her journey resonates with gamers, immortalizing her as a symbol of teenage defiance and strength.