Top 5 Swords in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Discover the most powerful swords that can turn the tide in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
Top 5 Swords in Kingdom Come: Deliverance


  • Different swords cater to various playstyles in KCD, offering unique stats and benefits.
  • Noble Sword and Stinger excel in charisma and stabbing, while St. George's Sword reigns supreme in damage.
  • Exploring the game world and completing quests are key to acquiring these legendary weapons.

Step into the medieval world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance and wield the mightiest swords to conquer your enemies. Swords play a crucial role in this RPG, offering not just power but also style and charisma. Let's delve into the top five swords that every player should aspire to wield.

5 Noble's Hunting Sword

The Elite Hunting Blade

  • Where to find: Purchase from Rattay Swordsmith or follow Treasure Map III.

While not the most formidable in combat, the Noble's Hunting Sword boasts elegance and efficiency. It proves handy against wildlife and moderate foes, making it a reliable companion for any adventurer.

Players can acquire the sword by either buying it from the Rattay Swordsmith or embarking on a treasure hunt from the Fresco Master near the Monastery.

4 Noble Sword

Versatile Shortsword of Nobility

  • Where to find: Uncover from Treasure Map XIII or obtain during a DLC quest.

The Noble Sword shines with balanced stats, making it a reliable choice for close combat. Its sleek design and combat prowess make it a favorite among warriors seeking both style and substance.

Players can secure this sword by following Treasure Map XIII or by seizing it from Sir Hagen Zoul during the Band of Bastards DLC.

3 Longinus' Sword

Mighty Longsword for Discerning Fighters

  • Where to find: Available at Swordsmiths or through Treasure Map XXIV.

For those seeking a formidable longsword without breaking the bank, Longinus' Sword fits the bill. Its extended reach and piercing capability make it a valuable asset in any battle.

Players can acquire this longsword from various Swordsmiths or by embarking on a quest following Treasure Map XXIV.

2 Stinger

Supreme Stabbing Power at Your Fingertips

  • Where to find: Obtain through Ancient Map I or purchase from Swordsmiths.

When precision and finesse matter, the Stinger reigns supreme with its exceptional stabbing capabilities. Its high charisma and defense further bolster its effectiveness in both combat and social situations.

Players can obtain the Stinger through various means, including following Ancient Map I or acquiring it during the Robber Baron quest.

1 St. George's Sword

The Ultimate Longsword for Victorious Battles

  • Where to find: Discover through Treasure Map VII or loot from the Epilogue camp.

For unparalleled power and versatility, St. George's Sword stands out as the pinnacle of longswords in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. With exceptional stab and slash damage, it is a true masterpiece of weaponry.

Players can embark on a quest following Treasure Map VII to claim this legendary sword or seize it from the epilogue camp for a thrilling endgame victory.