Top 5 3D Platformer Games with Engaging Combat

Discover the best 3D platformer games that offer thrilling combat experiences.
Top 5 3D Platformer Games with Engaging Combat


  • Combat in 3D platformers demands precise movement and strategic timing, elevating the gameplay with depth and complexity.
  • Games like Crash Bandicoot 4, Psychonauts 2, and Ratchet & Clank deliver fast-paced battles incorporating melee and ranged offense, alongside environmental elements for evasion and tactical advantage.
  • Immerse yourself in unpredictable combat experiences with these 3D platformers, featuring innovative and nostalgic combat sequences appealing to modern and retro gaming audiences.

Engaging in combat within the 3D platformer genre requires a blend of spatial complexity and dynamic gameplay, demanding precision and strategic planning from players.

Experience adrenaline-pumping battles that seamlessly integrate melee and ranged combat, utilizing environmental elements to enhance evasion and tactical maneuvering. The multi-directional combat within the 3D environment creates an immersive and unpredictable gaming experience for players, offering a thrilling approach to action-packed gameplay.

5 Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time

Metascore: 85

Despite the numerical suffix, It's About Time marks the eighth primary installment in the enduring series. Players navigate vibrant maps and missions, engaging in combat that emphasizes the agility of Crash and his sister, delivering a mix of high-speed attacks.

This game effortlessly blends modern and retro elements, featuring combat sequences that are both innovative and nostalgic, catering to long-time Crash Bandicoot enthusiasts while embracing the series' evolution.

4 Psychonauts 2

Metascore: 87

This much-anticipated sequel combines platforming mechanics with diverse psychic powers, offering a captivating combat experience. Players are empowered with an imaginative array of psychic abilities, enriching the combat dynamics and infusing grace into the action through acrobatic movements.

With creative enemy designs and boss battles, Psychonauts 2 excels in delivering an immersive and exhilarating combat experience, surpassing its predecessor.

3 Ratchet & Clank

Metascore: 88

This seminal entry in the beloved franchise sets a high standard for 3D platformer combat, featuring an assortment of eccentric weapons and gadgets that enrich the colorful battles across unpredictable terrains.

With its all-guns blazing style, Ratchet & Clank introduces a refreshing combat approach, setting a new benchmark in the genre at the time of its release.

2 Jak And Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Metascore: 90

This influential title presents an action-packed plot, complemented by energetic combat dynamics that offer a diverse range of moves and techniques, culminating in exhilarating boss battles.

The game's fast-paced and intense combat contributes to its legacy as a pioneering classic, setting new standards in gaming graphics and immersive action.

1 Super Mario Odyssey

Metacritic: 97

This critically acclaimed entry introduces innovative combat dynamics, empowering players with a new capture power that revolutionizes combat interactions, offering a seamless blend of challenge and entertainment within vibrant, diverse worlds.

Super Mario Odyssey's combat seamlessly integrates action-packed sequences, contributing to a groundbreaking chapter in Mario's iconic adventures.