Unleash Your Palworld Experience with These Top 10 Mods

Discover a new world of possibilities with these handpicked mods to enhance your Palworld gameplay.
Unleash Your Palworld Experience with These Top 10 Mods


  • Uncover hidden stats with the Pal IVs mod for a competitive edge in pal collecting.
  • Use the Pal Analyzer to make informed decisions before catching pals and maintain game balance.
  • Improve your gameplay with mods like Carry Weight Increase and Better Night Light for a more immersive experience.

Palworld burst onto the gaming scene in 2024, rapidly gaining popularity on Steam. As a PC game, it has attracted a range of mods that alter various aspects of gameplay.

While Palworld is still in its infancy compared to games like Skyrim, there are already several mods available that cater to different player preferences, from gameplay enhancements to visual upgrades.

1 Pal IVs

Unveil the Secrets of Your Pals

  • Mod Author: ThisIsZac
  • Mod Page Link

When capturing pals, the ultimate goal is to build a formidable collection. While base stats provide a basic understanding of a pal's strength, hidden stats known as IVs significantly impact their power. The Pal IVs mod allows players to uncover these hidden stats, giving them a competitive advantage by revealing the subtle differences between seemingly identical pals.

2 Pal Analyzer

Analyze Before You Catch

  • Mod Author: ThisIsZac
  • Mod Page Link

In the world of Palworld, catching pals is a core mechanic. In the base game, players have to capture a pal to view its stats. The Pal Analyzer mod changes this by allowing players to assess a pal's stats before capturing it. This not only helps in decision-making but also ensures game balance by progressively unlocking more stats as players advance.

3 Carry Weight Increase

Lighten Your Load

  • Mod Author: Vuxacha
  • Mod Page Link

As with many open-world games, Palworld features a carry-weight system. The Carry Weight Increase mod grants players additional carry capacity, allowing them to hoard more items without constantly managing their inventory. This mod addresses player feedback on the game's storage system, offering a more convenient gameplay experience.