Unveiling the Top 10 Perks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Discover the essential perks that will enhance your gameplay and aid you in conquering the challenging world of Bohemia.
Unveiling the Top 10 Perks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance


  • Explore the most beneficial perks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance
  • Understand how each perk can improve your gameplay experience
  • Equip yourself with the knowledge to thrive in the lands of Bohemia

Kingdom Come: Deliverance transports players to 1403 Bohemia, where they embody Henry, a blacksmith's son and sole survivor of a brutal attack. Throughout this immersive RPG, players encounter a skill system that enhances Henry's abilities and offers unique perks catering to different playstyles. As players progress, choosing the right perks becomes crucial for shaping Henry's journey and survival in the unforgiving world of Bohemia.

Let's delve into the top 10 perks that can significantly impact your gameplay in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. From enhancing combat skills to facilitating survival mechanisms, these perks are essential for maximizing your experience in this historical adventure.

10 Mule I, II, III

Strength Stat

The Mule perk series increases your carrying capacity, enabling you to stock up on essential items during long expeditions. This extra weight allowance proves invaluable for storing crucial supplies, selling valuable loot, and preparing alchemical concoctions to aid Henry's survival.

By expanding Henry's carrying limit, Mule perks ensure he remains well-provisioned during his arduous journey, preventing starvation and maintaining his health and stamina levels.

9 Perfect Throw

Agility Stat

Perfect Throw, an Agility perk, enhances Henry's precision without any drawbacks, granting him an edge in games of chance like Farkle. By increasing his chances of winning in gambling encounters, this perk aids in accumulating wealth for acquiring superior gear and weaponry.

Mastering agility-based perks is essential for amassing wealth through effective haggling, ensuring Henry's financial stability and empowering him for future endeavors.

8 Berserk

Vitality Stat

The Berserk perk provides a critical advantage in combat situations, offering Henry a stamina boost when facing perilous encounters. Activating Berserk mode at low health levels allows Henry to regenerate stamina rapidly, enabling swift and decisive actions such as powerful strikes or strategic retreats.

By leveraging the Berserk perk effectively, players can turn the tide of challenging battles, ensuring Henry's survival and prowess on the battlefield.

7 Trustworthy Middleman

Speech Stat

The Trustworthy Middleman perk aids aspiring thieves by facilitating the sale of stolen goods without arousing suspicion. This perk streamlines the process of acquiring wealth through illicit means, allowing players to amass riches by avoiding repercussions from unscrupulous merchant dealings.

With the Trustworthy Middleman perk, players can engage in lucrative thievery, amassing wealth discreetly and securing a financial advantage in the perilous world of Bohemia.

6 Firm Grip

Defence Combat Stat

Firm Grip, a defensive combat perk, enhances Henry's blocking capabilities by depleting enemy stamina with successful blocks. This strategic advantage provides openings for counterattacks, ensuring Henry's survival in intense combat scenarios.

By mastering the art of blocking and utilizing the Firm Grip perk, players can effectively control the flow of battle, outmaneuvering foes and emerging victorious in challenging encounters.

5 Against All Odds

Warfare Combat Stat

Against All Odds, a warfare combat perk, boosts Henry's core combat stats, enhancing his ability to withstand and overcome superior enemy forces. This perk empowers players to emerge victorious in challenging warfare scenarios by bolstering Henry's combat proficiency and resilience.

By leveraging the Against All Odds perk alongside defensive strategies, players can triumph over overwhelming odds, defeating multiple adversaries and emerging triumphant in the face of adversity.

4 Routine I, II

Alchemy Skill

Routine I and II perks streamline potion brewing, enabling Henry to produce multiple potions efficiently to maintain his health during perilous quests. By automating potion creation and increasing yield, these perks ensure Henry remains well-prepared for arduous challenges and sustains his vitality throughout his adventures.

With Routine perks equipped, players can optimize Henry's alchemical capabilities, ensuring he has a steady supply of potent potions to aid him in overcoming formidable obstacles and emerging victorious in the face of adversity.

3 Leg Day

Herbalism Skill

Leg Day, a herbalism perk, accelerates herb collection and strengthens Henry's herbalism proficiency, offering a seamless method to enhance his strength and gather vital resources. This perk streamlines the herb-gathering process, allowing players to swiftly amass herbs and bolster Henry's strength without diverting focus from other endeavors.

By capitalizing on the Leg Day perk, players can efficiently boost Henry's herbalism skills, empowering him to gather resources swiftly and fortify his strength for the challenges that lie ahead in the harsh world of Bohemia.

2 Steak Tartare

Hunting Skill

Steak Tartare, a hunting perk, enables Henry to consume raw food without suffering adverse effects, mitigating the risks of starvation and poisoning. This perk simplifies the hunting process, allowing players to sustain Henry's nourishment without the need for cooking or food preservation.

By utilizing the Steak Tartare perk, players can ensure Henry's sustenance during his expeditions, eliminating the need for elaborate food preparation and enabling swift nourishment through raw meat consumption.

1 Racehorse

Horsemanship Skill

Racehorse, a horsemanship perk, enhances Henry's mount's speed at the cost of reduced cargo capacity, ensuring swift escapes and strategic maneuvering in perilous situations. This perk proves invaluable for evading danger and planning tactical retreats, safeguarding Henry's survival in hostile environments.

By equipping the Racehorse perk early on, players can leverage Henry's enhanced mobility to navigate Bohemia efficiently, evade threats, and strategize effectively, laying the foundation for a successful and immersive journey in the world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.