The Uncertain Path Ahead for Tomb Raider under Embracer Group

As fans eagerly anticipate the next Tomb Raider installment, the parent company's actions raise concerns for the franchise's future.
The Uncertain Path Ahead for Tomb Raider under Embracer Group


  • Embracer Group's aggressive cost-cutting measures pose a threat to the development and success of the upcoming Tomb Raider game.
  • The closure of studios and cancellation of projects within Embracer Group could potentially impact the long-standing Tomb Raider series.
  • Concerns arise about Embracer Group prioritizing shareholder value over the quality and sustainability of beloved gaming franchises like Tomb Raider.

Despite being a cherished franchise, the future of Tomb Raider is now uncertain due to the unpredictable actions of Embracer Group. The company's rapid expansion in the gaming industry has attracted attention, but its current trajectory raises doubts.

Embracer Group's recent acquisitions of Square Enix-owned brands, including iconic titles like Deus Ex and Tomb Raider in 2022, have positioned it as a major player in the gaming market. However, the mass cancellation of projects, studio closures like Volition (known for Saints Row), and layoffs affecting 8% of its workforce indicate a turbulent period. CEO Lars Wingefors justified these actions as necessary for enhancing shareholder value.

Embracer Group's Impact on Tomb Raider's Future

While Crystal Dynamics pushes forward with the upcoming Tomb Raider entry, titled Tomb Raider Next, the franchise's direction remains unclear. Despite the success of the previous Survivor trilogy, the closure of Studio Onoma (behind Lara Croft Go) and the rumored cancellation of an unannounced Deus Ex game indicate potential challenges ahead. Fans of Tomb Raider should stay vigilant.

Embracer Group's Willingness to Ax Projects

Recent closures like Campfire Cabal portray Embracer Group as unafraid to terminate unprofitable ventures swiftly. The shutdown of Volition post the poorly received Saints Row reboot exemplifies this aggressive cost-cutting strategy, even with valuable IPs. The reported cancellation of a new Deus Ex game further underscores the group's profit-centric approach, potentially jeopardizing fan-favorite franchises.

Wingefors' emphasis on maximizing shareholder value hints at a worrisome trend prioritizing profits over quality and franchise sustainability. While Tomb Raider Next is still in progress, risks loom, such as drastic changes to the series' identity, budget reductions, or fewer releases, aligning with Embracer Group's business practices.