Tips and Tricks for Managing Your Pals in Palworld

Learn how to control your Pals' tasks and breaks effectively in Palworld.
Tips and Tricks for Managing Your Pals in Palworld


  • Unlock the Monitoring Stand to customize your Pals' work tasks
  • Assign specific tasks to each Pal for efficient base management
  • Cancel breaks by manually redirecting Pals back to work

Palworld offers a range of facilities as you progress, providing tasks for you and your Pals to enhance your base and gather resources. However, managing your Pals' work habits can be vital when focusing on specific tasks or quests. Knowing how to control their activities and breaks can greatly improve your gameplay experience.

Acquiring the Monitoring Stand

To regulate your Pals' tasks, you must first unlock the Monitoring Stand from the Technology menu using Ancient Technology Points, attainable from player level 15 onwards. Once unlocked, gather the necessary resources, including 30 Wood and 10 Stone, to construct the stand near your base.

Required Materials for the Monitoring Stand

  • Wood x30
  • Stone x10

Managing Pals' Tasks and Breaks

Once the Monitoring Stand is built, access the Pal work menu by pressing the V key. Here, you can view active Pal workers and assign them specific tasks from a dropdown list. Customize each Pal's responsibilities to streamline your base operations.

If a Pal is on break when needed, you can redirect them by physically carrying and placing them back at the worksite. While this ensures immediate work resumption, it may impact the Pal's Sanity due to lack of rest.