Tips to Access the Research Center in Zombie-Free Zone

Discover how to unlock the Research Center, a critical hub for advancing in the Zombie-Free Zone game.
Tips to Access the Research Center in Zombie-Free Zone


  • Understand the Role of the Research Center
  • Unlocking the Research Center: Step by Step
  • Constructing the Research Center

Zombie-Free Zone offers a unique blend of city building and survival against zombies. Among the various structures, the Research Center stands out as a pivotal building for technological advancements. However, the game lacks clear instructions on how to unlock it. Here's a guide on accessing the Research Center in Zombie-Free Zone.

Understanding the Research Center in Zombie-Free Zone

The Research Center in Zombie-Free Zone is a crucial structure that facilitates research into new technologies. It serves as a gateway to unlocking innovative buildings and features, making it a key asset in the game.

How to Access the Research Center in Zombie-Free Zone

Initially, the Research Center in Zombie-Free Zone is inaccessible. The vague instruction to explore the neighborhood adds to the challenge. To gain entry to the Research Center, follow these steps:

  • Begin the game and progress through the initial survival stages.
  • Around the third day, a message will notify you of declining infection rates and the need for rebuilding and safety.
  • Disabling Tutorial Events will prompt the message at the game's start.
  • Due to weak walkie-talkies, the message may be unclear.
  • A survivor will suggest building an Antenna to boost communication.
  • Researching the Antenna becomes a quest, leading you to a Teaching Facility for technology search.
  • Identify the facility by its Book icon, usually near your starting point.
  • Send a Squad to the facility for exploration.
  • Upon their return, the Research Center will unlock, enabling progression in Zombie-Free Zone.

Constructing the Research Center in Zombie-Free Zone

To build the Research Center, repurpose an existing structure by selecting it in the building menu. Designate the chosen building, and your workers will utilize Wood and Raw Metal for construction.

Surviving the world of Zombie-Free Zone is challenging, but utilizing the Research Center for technological advancements will aid in your community's survival against the undead.

Zombie-Free Zone is accessible on PC.