Strategies for Surviving Deathclaw Attacks in Fallout Shelter

Learn how to effectively deal with the menacing Deathclaws that threaten your Vault in Fallout Shelter.
Strategies for Surviving Deathclaw Attacks in Fallout Shelter


  • Equip your Dwellers with weapons and armor
  • Stock up on Stimpaks for healing
  • Manage your Vault's population to control Deathclaw attacks

In the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout Shelter, you'll encounter various challenges as you manage your Vault and its inhabitants. Among these challenges are the formidable Deathclaws, fearsome creatures that can wreak havoc on your Vault. Knowing how to handle these threats is crucial for the survival of your Dwellers.

Effective Strategies for Dealing with Deathclaws

When your Vault reaches 60 Dwellers (or 35 in Survival mode), be prepared for Deathclaw attacks. These assaults can include not only regular Deathclaws but also more powerful variants like Alpha Deathclaws and Enclave Deathclaws encountered during quests.

To effectively combat Deathclaws, ensure your Dwellers are equipped with weapons and armor, especially before sending them on quests or exploring the Wasteland. Equipping them adequately will increase their chances of survival and success in defeating the Deathclaws.

Keep a sufficient supply of Stimpaks in your Vault to heal your Dwellers during and after Deathclaw attacks. This medical aid will help your inhabitants recover from injuries sustained in battles, allowing them to continue thriving in the Vault.

If Deathclaw attacks become overwhelming, consider managing your Vault's population by temporarily removing Dwellers until the count drops below 60 in standard mode or 35 in Survival mode. This population control measure can help reduce the frequency and intensity of Deathclaw assaults.

Remember that Deathclaw attacks are more likely after opening the Vault doors or broadcasting signals with the Radio Studio. To mitigate these risks, adjust the Radio Studio's signal to Vault mode to potentially deter Deathclaws from targeting your Vault for a period.