Tips for Saving Teammates in Content Warning Game

Learn how to efficiently heal and revive your fellow players when they meet their demise while filming eerie creatures for SpookTube in Content Warning.
Tips for Saving Teammates in Content Warning Game


  • Utilize the Hugger to heal teammates by hugging them, restoring their HP slowly.
  • Invest in the Defibrillator to revive fallen teammates, bringing them back to life for continued gameplay.
  • Make strategic purchases of these medical items to enhance your team's survival and content creation success.

Content Warning is a rather grim cooperative horror game that immerses you and your pals in the roles of horror content producers crafting spine-chilling videos for the exclusive platform, SpookTube. As you venture deep into the realm of the Old World to film new content, malevolent creatures with enigmatic intentions lurk, biding their time before launching attacks.

Escaping a monster's clutches is no easy feat, and you or your teammates may sustain injuries or even meet their demise. While mayhem, devastation, and demise may attract more views, your team won't go viral if everyone perishes. Fortunately, in Content Warning, you have the ability to heal and resurrect fallen comrades.

How to Heal in Content Warning

In Content Warning, you won't come across conventional health kits or healing items typical in most games. Instead, there's a unique item known as the Hugger, which aids in healing. The Hugger, a distinctive medical device, enables you to restore your friends' HP by embracing them. This is the sole method of healing teammates in Content Warning.

Priced at $100, the Hugger can be bought from the Medical section on the Order Terminal. Upon purchase, you receive a Hugger manual for hugging teammates using the left mouse button. Healing is gradual, necessitating a secure location for the process.

How to Revive Teammates in Content Warning

Should a teammate fall victim to a monster while filming content, you can revive them by employing a Defibrillator. The Defibrillator, another medical tool, resurrects fallen comrades provided you locate their bodies.

Unlike the Hugger, the Defibrillator comes at a higher price of $300. Consequently, prudent budgeting is essential, particularly if aiming to secure the Defibrillator early in the game. Nevertheless, the Defibrillator is indispensable for shooting eerie content in the Old World.

Employing the Defibrillator on a fallen teammate, reviving them with a shock, can attract a substantial viewership and boost your earnings.