Tips for Rapidly Boosting Gun Levels in Warzone Mobile

Discover efficient strategies to quickly level up your guns in Warzone Mobile and unlock all available weapons and modifications.
Tips for Rapidly Boosting Gun Levels in Warzone Mobile


  • Engage in Multiplayer Matches
  • Utilize Double Weapon XP Tokens
  • Participate in Double XP Events

If you're a player of Warzone Mobile, you're likely aware of the time-consuming process of leveling up your firearms. Enjoying the full range of weapons and modifications the game offers necessitates investing significant time in leveling them up. This guide presents various tactics to expedite the process of leveling up guns swiftly in Warzone Mobile, enabling you to access all weapons and their enhancements.

Tips for Rapidly Boosting Gun Levels in Warzone Mobile

In Warzone Mobile, akin to the PC version, unlocking modifications like sights and stocks for your weapon requires earning Weapon Experience for the specific guns. This experience accrues continuously while using the weapon and is also awarded for kills and assists. Explore the following techniques to expedite the process of gaining weapon levels efficiently.

Engage in Multiplayer Matches

Leveraging multiplayer matches proves to be one of the most effective means of leveling up your weapons. Unlike battle royale mode, where finding players to eliminate for weapon experience can be arduous, multiplayer mode offers compact maps, swift respawns, and a high player count. These factors make it an optimal environment for enhancing your gun levels, potentially unlocking a majority of weapon modifications in just a few matches.

Utilize Double Weapon XP Tokens

Enhance your progress further by utilizing Weapon XP Tokens, which double all earned Weapon XP, facilitating quicker weapon level-ups. Currently, Double Weapon XP Tokens can be acquired through the battle pass or as rewards for consecutive daily logins.

Participate in Double XP Events

Exhausted your Double XP Tokens? Periodically, take advantage of events where all Weapon XP is doubled. Stay vigilant within the game to avoid missing these events, as they present another valuable opportunity to advance your weapon levels swiftly.

Cross-Platform Progression

Lastly, Warzone Mobile supports cross-platform gameplay. By linking your account to a gaming console or PC, your progress synchronizes, enabling you to level up your weapons across multiple devices. If this option is available to you, make sure to leverage it effectively.