Tips for Handling Symptoms in Gray Zone Warfare

Dealing with Nausea or Dizziness after minor wounds in Gray Zone Warfare can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you effectively manage these symptoms.
Tips for Handling Symptoms in Gray Zone Warfare


  • Rest and hydration are key to curing Nausea in Gray Zone Warfare.
  • Refilling blood loss is crucial for overcoming Dizziness in Gray Zone Warfare.
  • Visit Lab Rat to replenish medical supplies and enhance your treatment options in Gray Zone Warfare.

Although losing a life is the ultimate consequence in Gray Zone Warfare combat, sustaining minor injuries can also pose risks and discomfort. This realistic game doesn't let you shrug off a few stray bullets with ease. Symptoms like Bleeding, Coughing, and Wounded Organs linger and demand attention. Sometimes, even minor wounds can leave you with a reminder in the form of Nausea or Dizziness. But fret not, as treating these symptoms in Gray Zone Warfare is quite manageable.

How To Treat Nausea in Gray Zone Warfare

Nausea, among the various distressing effects in Gray Zone Warfare, is relatively straightforward to address. The primary solution involves rest. Simply find a safe spot to recuperate. Additionally, hydration by drinking water can expedite recovery, with all symptoms typically fading away after a short span of time.

While Nausea may dissipate naturally over around 5 minutes, its presence can cause your in-game character to sway noticeably and might induce slight queasiness as you focus on the screen.

How To Alleviate Dizziness in Gray Zone Warfare

Dizziness, though not a severe threat in Gray Zone Warfare, requires active intervention as it won't vanish on its own. For mild Dizziness, consuming water might offer slight relief, but it's typically ineffective. This symptom stems from blood loss, emphasizing the need for prompt replenishment. Utilize the Blood Bag for a significant improvement in your condition.

Handling the screen while your character is dizzy can be challenging due to distorted and split visuals, along with subtle camera movements that may trigger mild nausea in individuals with sensitive vestibular systems. Swiftly resort to the Blood Bag for relief.

How To Procure Additional Medication

While you start with some medical supplies, they deplete swiftly during battles. To replenish your inventory, promptly head to the Lab Rat and purchase more Blood Bags, with prices starting at $117 for the Small Bag. Access this Vendor by pressing TAB at your base. If funds are scarce and you aim to bolster your medical resources, engage in Lab Rat quests to earn currency for sustaining your Blood Bag stock.