Tips for Earning Caps in Fallout Shelter

Discover various strategies to accumulate Caps in Fallout Shelter effectively.
Tips for Earning Caps in Fallout Shelter


  • Utilize different methods to earn Caps in the game
  • Maximize Caps accumulation with strategic gameplay
  • Ensure a steady flow of Caps for shelter maintenance and expansion

In Fallout Shelter, Caps are crucial for building, upgrading rooms, acquiring weapons, and more. Running low on Caps during repairs or shelter expansions can be challenging. To help you maintain a healthy Caps balance and keep your settlers content, here are some effective strategies to earn Caps in Fallout Shelter.

Ways to Acquire Caps in Fallout Shelter

Caps serve as the primary currency, essential for various in-game transactions. While there are multiple ways to earn Caps, not all methods are equally efficient. Unexpected expenses like shelter repairs post-raider attacks can hinder Caps accumulation. To boost your Caps reserves significantly, consider the following tactics.

Boost Caps through Resource Room Production

Collecting resources from production rooms yields a small Caps bonus each time. While individual amounts may seem insignificant, continuous collection from high-level rooms can lead to substantial earnings over time.

Optimize Caps with Rushing Production Rooms

Rushing production rooms enables instant resource collection with a chance for bonus Caps. However, this method carries risks such as dweller injuries or room damage upon failure, so assess the gamble before rushing.

Explore the Wasteland for Caps

Sending dwellers or Mr. Handy units on wasteland expeditions is a profitable way to secure Caps. Dwellers with high Luck possess a better chance of discovering Caps during exploration, while Mr. Handy exclusively collects currency during outings.

Profit from Looting Raiders

Despite the nuisance of raider attacks, defeating them grants access to loot, including Caps. While not the most efficient method, looting raiders provides a decent bonus alongside standard resources acquired from defending the vault.

Sell Excess Weapons and Outfits

Selling duplicate weapons or unwanted outfits swiftly converts them into Caps. Legendary items fetch higher prices, but consider retaining them for crafting purposes before selling.

Earn Caps by Leveling Up Dwellers

Dwellers leveling up provide a Caps bonus equivalent to their new level, incentivizing dweller progression.

Complete Objectives for Caps

Objectives yield diverse rewards, including Caps, making them a reliable source of currency alongside other resources or Lunchboxes that may contain additional Caps.

Utilize Lunchboxes and Starter Packs

Despite being a gamble, Lunchboxes may contain varying amounts of Caps (100, 500, or 3,000), exceeding the Caps limit. The Mysterious Stranger and Bottle & Cappy events can also yield Caps as rewards.

Gain Caps with Daily Reports

Regularly checking in on your vault via the Daily Report grants small Caps rewards, fostering a consistent Caps income over time for dedicated players.