Tips for Boosting Your Progress in Roblox: Type Soul

Learn how to enhance your gameplay by effectively using Blue Pill and Red Pill in Roblox: Type Soul.
Tips for Boosting Your Progress in Roblox: Type Soul


  • Understand the benefits and limitations of Red Pill for gaining Skill Points.
  • Discover how Blue Pill can reset your stats and provide additional Skill Points.
  • Learn where and how to acquire both Red Pill and Blue Pill in Type Soul.

Boosting your progress in Roblox: Type Soul requires strategic use of items like Blue Pill and Red Pill to excel in the game. These pills offer unique advantages and drawbacks that can impact your gameplay significantly. Let's delve into how you can leverage these items effectively to enhance your gaming experience.

Regardless of which faction you choose in Roblox: Type Soul, you will have to fight and earn Skill Points. With their help, you can create a build that suits your playing style. To do this faster, players can use several Pills. So, in this guide, we will tell you how to get and use Blue Pill and Red Pill in Type Soul.

Both of these items can help you become stronger. However, there are certain limitations when using them that you should know in advance. But let's talk about everything in order.

Discover the Benefits and Limits of Red Pill

Red Pill offers a straightforward way to gain 5 additional Skill Points when consumed. This boost can significantly enhance your character's stats in the game. However, there's a catch - you can only use a maximum of 2 Red Pills, granting you a total of 10 extra Skill Points.

To obtain Red Pills, you must excel in the Karakura Town Raids and then visit the KT Shop NPC. If you're fortunate, you can purchase the Red Pill for 8k Kan from the NPC. Remember, winning the Raid is crucial for the NPC to engage with you.

Understanding Blue Pill and Its Effects

Blue Pill functions differently as it resets all your stats, allowing you to regain spent Skill Points except for those obtained from Red Pills. This reset also removes any used skill boxes or essences, requiring you to consume two Red Pills again to earn the extra 10 Skill Points.

Acquiring Blue Pill follows a similar process to obtaining Red Pill - succeeding in KT Raids and visiting the KT Shop. However, Blue Pill comes at a higher cost of 150k Kan and may not always be available in the shop's inventory.