Tips for Achieving Happy Endings in Detroit: Become Human

Discover how to navigate the morally ambiguous world of Detroit: Become Human to secure the best outcomes for your characters.
Tips for Achieving Happy Endings in Detroit: Become Human


  • Make calm, rational choices to ensure a successful revolution with Markus.
  • Forge a strong bond with Hank and become deviant as Connor for a happy ending.
  • Protect Alice, stand up to threats, and bring Luther to Canada for a positive outcome with Kara.

Detroit: Become Human showcases the power of player decisions in shaping the narrative, much like Until Dawn. Your choices heavily influence the fate of Markus, Connor, and Kara, determining whether they survive and the kind of relationships they form. While bad endings can be heart-wrenching, the game offers the possibility of uplifting conclusions if you play your cards right.

Optimism shines through in Detroit: Become Human, proving that a satisfying storyline doesn't have to end on a somber note. By making the right choices and quick decisions, you can guide each android character to a positive resolution. To help you steer towards happier endings, here are some general tips to consider during gameplay.

Markus' Path to Success

Leading a Peaceful Revolution

Embark on Markus' journey, crucial not only for his own story but also for influencing Connor and Kara's outcomes. Early on, intervene in Carl and Leo's conflict to prevent a tragic loss. As Markus assumes leadership in the android revolution at Jericho, prioritize demonstrating androids' humanity through peaceful means, avoiding aggression.

Consider these key strategies while playing as Markus:

  • Deliver composed speeches, appealing logically rather than aggressively.
  • Minimize violence, especially lethal actions.
  • Always rescue friends like North and Simon, not leaving them behind.
  • Reject the FBI's deceptive offer to avoid a sorrowful ending.

Connor's Journey to Freedom

Embracing Deviancy

Securing a bright future for Connor is relatively straightforward, as he can't permanently perish and undergoes a gradual evolution towards deviancy. Strengthen your bond with Hank, discover Jericho, and empathize with deviant androids to prompt Connor's self-realization and rebellion against his programming.

  • Cultivate a strong relationship with Hank, enhancing their dynamic.
  • Locate Jericho to advance Connor's understanding of the android cause.
  • Show compassion to deviants, sparking Connor's introspection and transformation.
  • Opt to become deviant and liberate androids at CyberLife Tower, heralding a new chapter of freedom for Connor.

Kara's Road to Safety

Seeking Refuge in Canada

Ensuring a favorable outcome for Kara involves safeguarding Alice and navigating treacherous challenges on their journey to Canada. Prioritize Alice's well-being, confront threats courageously, and ensure Luther's presence for a complete and happy family unit.

Key moments for securing Kara's positive ending include resisting Todd, aiding allies like Luther, and reaching the border checkpoint with a united front. By maintaining composure and making the right choices, Kara and her companions can overcome obstacles and find sanctuary in Canada.

  • Keep Alice reassured to avoid suspicion and maintain her calm demeanor.
  • Avoid sacrificing any member of the group, ensuring everyone's safety and garnering public support for androids. This positive perception will sway border authorities in Kara's favor, facilitating a smooth passage for the entire family.