Tips for Tracking Down Megalodons in Sea of Thieves

Discover how to locate and engage with Megalodons in the thrilling world of Sea of Thieves.
Tips for Tracking Down Megalodons in Sea of Thieves


  • Understand Megalodon behavior and spawn locations
  • Recognize the telltale signs of a nearby Megalodon
  • Unlock commendations by defeating different Megalodon types

Megalodons, the fearsome sea monsters of Sea of Thieves, pose a significant threat to any sailor crossing their path. These massive predators can swiftly turn a peaceful voyage into a chaotic battle, leaving ships in ruins. However, locating a Megalodon in Sea of Thieves is no easy feat. In most cases, it's the Megalodon that finds you first. Yet, there are strategies you can employ to increase your chances of encountering these formidable creatures, whether you seek your first epic battle or aim to conquer multiple Megs for commendations or the elusive Shrouded Ghost.

To enhance your Megalodon-hunting skills, familiarize yourself with their spawn behavior and favored locations. Understanding these patterns can be instrumental in your quest. Additionally, knowing the achievements and commendations associated with Megalodon encounters can add to the thrill of the hunt.

Discovering Megalodons in the Vast Seas of Sea of Thieves

Megalodons, being a random and unpredictable presence in Sea of Thieves, can appear unexpectedly during your adventures. This element of surprise adds to the excitement, as there's no certainty when or where a Megalodon might emerge. For a higher chance of encountering one, venture into the open ocean and steer clear of island shores. Megalodons tend to avoid shallow waters near islands, preferring the vastness of the open sea. While islands provide refuge from these predators, keep in mind that Megs occasionally lurk near Sea Forts, so exercise caution near these structures.

Utilize resources like Merfolk's Lullaby's Megalodon spawn map to navigate potential hotspots where Megs are more likely to appear. Remember, even with guidance, stumbling upon a Megalodon remains a thrilling and unpredictable experience.

When a Megalodon draws near, listen for a distinctive shift in the background music signaling its approach. Keep a vigilant eye on the waters around you, as the Megalodon's massive form will soon reveal itself with a deafening roar. Whether you choose to flee or stand your ground, be prepared for a fierce confrontation if you opt to engage the beast.

Earning Commendations Through Megalodon Conquests

Defeating the various Megalodon species in Sea of Thieves unlocks a range of commendations and titles linked to the meg-themed Shrouded Spoils challenges. Each triumphant battle against a Megalodon brings recognition in the form of commendations and exclusive titles, showcasing your prowess as a formidable sea captain.

Unraveling the Mystery of the Shrouded Ghost

The legendary Shrouded Ghost, a rare white and pink Megalodon in Sea of Thieves with an elusive presence, remains a subject of intrigue and speculation among players. While its existence is debated due to its scarcity, documented sightings and associated commendations suggest that the Shrouded Ghost is more than just a myth. While encountering this enigmatic Megalodon is based on chance, those fortunate enough to witness its ethereal form are met with a truly unforgettable experience.