Effective Strategies for Defeating Stalkers in Helldivers 2

Discover how to effectively eliminate the troublesome Stalker units during Terminid missions in Hel aivers 2.
Effective Strategies for Defeating Stalkers in Helldivers 2


  • Aim for the Stalkers' heads to take them down swiftly.
  • Prevent Stalkers from getting too close by shooting their wings to reduce mobility.
  • Use smoke grenades to reveal invisible Stalkers and destroy their nests to stop them from spawning.

Helldivers 2 has sparked immense interest worldwide and stands a chance to be the standout Game of the Year with continued developer support. This unique co-op shooter offers a plethora of reasons for gamers to keep coming back, from diverse weapons to distinctive enemy types.

If you've ventured into Terminid missions, you've probably encountered Stalkers at higher difficulty levels. These pesky foes live up to their name by stalking and ambushing you when you're least prepared. To make matters worse, Stalkers can cloak themselves, adding a layer of challenge. This guide is your go-to resource for mastering the art of eliminating Stalkers in Helldivers 2 and gaining valuable insights.

Strategies for Taking Down Stalkers in Helldivers 2

Here are some effective strategies to help you tackle Stalkers with confidence:

  • Focus on targeting the Stalkers' heads for quick takedowns.
  • Prevent Stalkers from closing the distance by impairing their mobility - shoot their wings.
  • Utilize smoke grenades to reveal invisible Stalkers and keep them at bay.
  • Opt for primary weapons such as the AR-23 rifles for high effectiveness against Stalkers.
  • When faced with Stalkers circling you, prioritize eliminating those on the flanks first.
  • Stalkers are the only Terminid unit that can outrun you and turn invisible; keep smoke grenades handy for pinpointing their location.
  • Acquire the Rover Support Stratagem early to shield yourself from surprise Stalker attacks.
  • Spotting Stalkers indicates a nearby Stalker nest; locate and destroy the nest promptly to prevent further spawns.

Your primary goal in defeating Stalkers is swift action upon encountering them and destroying their nests to avoid unexpected flanking maneuvers. While numerous strategies exist to handle Stalkers, the tips above will equip you to navigate even the most challenging Terminid missions without the constant threat of ambushes.