Avoid These Rookie Errors in Banishers: Ghosts Of New Eden

New to Banishers: Ghosts Of New Eden? Here are some common mistakes to steer clear of in the early stages of the game.
Avoid These Rookie Errors in Banishers: Ghosts Of New Eden


  • Break boxes for upgrades, use the glowing ring, and complete Haunting Cases for rewards.
  • Save skill points for later to unlock stronger abilities in advanced skill trees.
  • Prioritize taking out Specters in battles to prevent enemies from gaining advantages.

Stepping into the world of Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden for the first time may seem straightforward, but navigating through the game's initial challenges requires some finesse to dodge the lurking ghouls and spirits in New Eden. Unlike traditional single-character control games, Banishers sets itself apart with two distinct protagonists, each with unique playstyles. The formidable enemies early on ramp up the game's difficulty, demanding strategic gameplay from the start.

This dynamic can catch new players off guard, making Banishers a tough nut to crack for the uninitiated. Despite the steep learning curve, the game's high-quality content makes the journey worthwhile. However, steering clear of a few prevalent blunders in the game's outset can save players from costly setbacks. Here's a guide on sidestepping these pitfalls and ensuring a smoother gameplay experience.

1 Unleash the Loot by Breaking Boxes

Discover Hidden Treasures in Boxes and Barrels

In a departure from recent gaming trends, Banishers offers a plethora of breakable containers teeming with valuable items. Players can crack open boxes scattered throughout the world to uncover materials crucial for upgrades. Stockpiling these resources early on proves invaluable for future challenges. Remember, no box is off-limits; each one presents an opportunity to bolster your arsenal.

2 Embrace the Glow of the Ring

Use the Ring's Clues to Navigate

Don't overlook the significance of the glowing ring adorning your character's hand. This subtle indicator emits audio cues in proximity to interactive elements. Whether it hints at character-specific interactions or hidden areas, paying attention to the ring aids exploration without cluttering the screen. Keep an eye on this unassuming guide to uncover hidden secrets.

3 Unravel the Mysteries of Haunting Cases

Delve into Side Quests for Rewards and Choices

Aside from the main quests, Haunting Cases offer engaging side missions integral to character progression. These missions not only grant valuable rewards but also introduce moral dilemmas that shape the narrative. While Red gains new skills through EXP, Antea relies on Essence Points for abilities. Completing these cases enriches the gameplay experience, presenting diverse challenges and impactful decisions.