A Look Back at the TimeSplitters Series

Exploring the Best Games from the TimeSplitters Franchise
A Look Back at the TimeSplitters Series


  • The TimeSplitters series by Free Radical Design offered a unique and nostalgic first-person shooter experience.
  • TimeSplitters 2 marked a significant improvement over its predecessor, with enhanced gameplay, storyline, and expanded multiplayer features.
  • TimeSplitters: Future Perfect continued the legacy of the series with an engaging narrative and enjoyable gameplay, despite some plot inconsistencies.

During the late 90s and early 2000s, a plethora of first-person shooters hit the gaming scene, but none quite matched the creative brilliance of the TimeSplitters series. Developed by Free Radical Design, a UK-based studio led by David Doak, known for his work on GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark, these games were a breath of fresh air. Packed with inventive ideas, whimsical visuals, arcade-style multiplayer modes, and split-screen gameplay, the TimeSplitters series left a lasting impression on fans.

While each fan has their favorite, the general consensus is that the series evolved for the better over time.

3 TimeSplitters

The Genesis of a Legendary Series

The originalTimeSplitters game, released in 2000, was a rough gem, offering a fun linear adventure with a unique twist. With its time-traveling story mode, diverse weaponry, and quirky characters, it set the stage for the series' signature arcade-style tone.

While the story mode was short but challenging, the real fun came from the multiplayer mode, where customization options and enemy bots added to the excitement. Despite its charm, the first TimeSplitters game pales in comparison to its successors.

2 TimeSplitters 2

A Leap Forward in Innovation

TimeSplitters 2 marked a significant advancement for the series, refining the gameplay and expanding the multiplayer experience. The sequel's story mode was more polished, delving deeper into creative character designs and humor.

With a time-travel narrative that showcased the game's artistic flair, TimeSplitters 2 excelled in both single-player and multiplayer modes, offering an engaging experience for players.

1 TimeSplitters: Future Perfect - The Ultimate Chapter

Critical Acclaim: 83 Metascore

Considered one of the best sequels in gaming, TimeSplitters: Future Perfect elevated the series to new heights. Retaining the charm of its predecessors, the game introduced fresh elements while staying true to its roots.

With a more cohesive narrative and a blend of familiar and new characters, Future Perfect captivated players. Despite its age, the game's art style remains appealing, though its textures show signs of time.

Is TimeSplitters 4 on the Horizon?

Despite fans' hopes for a TimeSplitters 4, the future of the series seems uncertain. Free Radical Design faced challenges, leading to its acquisition and subsequent layoffs. While a glimpse of a canceled PS3 demo from 2008 resurfaced in 2024, the possibility of a new installment remains in limbo.