The Witcher's Dilemma: To Keep Gwent or Try Something New

Exploring the future of Gwent in The Witcher franchise and the considerations CD Projekt Red faces.
The Witcher's Dilemma: To Keep Gwent or Try Something New


  • Gwent's evolution from The Witcher 3 to a standalone success story.
  • Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales combining Gwent with narrative storytelling.
  • CD Projekt Red's choice between continuing with Gwent or introducing new mini-games.

The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt is often hailed as a standout RPG of recent times, captivating players with its intricate world and rich stories. Among its many attractions was Gwent, a mini-game that garnered as much praise as the main game. Building on its success, CD Projekt Red launched a standalone Gwent game in 2017, followed by Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales in 2018, which intertwined Gwent with a compelling narrative.

As The Witcher franchise moves forward, the fate of Gwent hangs in the balance. While some argue for its continuation, others suggest exploring new gaming avenues to keep the series fresh and engaging.

Pros and Cons of Gwent's Future in The Witcher

The Rise of Gwent in The Witcher Universe

In The Witcher 3, Gwent was a strategic card game that captivated players with its simplicity and depth. Its popularity led to the creation of Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, ushering in a new era of competitive card gaming. Despite its success, Gwent saw its final update in 2023, leaving fans yearning for more.

While Gwent has been a staple in The Witcher universe, some argue that it's time for a change. With new protagonists and storylines on the horizon, a fresh mini-game could breathe new life into the series, offering players a novel experience while staying true to the franchise's essence.

Weighing the Options for The Witcher's Gaming Future

As CD Projekt Red contemplates the next steps for The Witcher series, the decision to retain Gwent or introduce innovative mini-games becomes crucial. While Gwent has been a beloved feature, embracing change could pave the way for exciting gaming experiences that resonate with both loyal fans and newcomers alike.