The Witcher 3: Ranking the Least Effective Skills

Explore the skills in The Witcher 3 that may not be worth investing Ability Points in.
The Witcher 3: Ranking the Least Effective Skills


  • Some skills in The Witcher 3, like Aard Sweep and Firestream, lack effectiveness compared to others.
  • Skills such as Frenzy and Steady Aim may seem appealing but may not justify the Ability Points needed to unlock them.
  • Tricks like Cold Blood and Fixative provide marginal benefits, as oils can be easily reapplied during combat.

Geralt of Rivia is a sought-after figure in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for his unique skills that aid in combat scenarios. As players accumulate Ability Points, they can enhance Geralt's abilities to become a more formidable Witcher.

While there are many powerful skills to unlock, some may not offer as much utility as others. With limited Ability Points to spend, players must choose wisely to optimize their build. Here are some skills that may not be the best investments:

10 Aard Sweep

Reduced Knock-down Chance

  • Description: Aard strikes all opponents in a radius with a 21% lower knock-down chance (Level 1).

Aard Sweep, although having a wide area of effect, diminishes the knock-down potential, making it less effective than the standard Aard Sign. Upgrading it requires a significant investment of Ability Points, which may not be justifiable unless paired with specific mutations.

9 Firestream

Limited Damage Output

  • Description: Emits a continuous stream of fire with limited damage.

Firestream, an alternative Igni form, lacks the damage output of other abilities, making it less effective in combat situations. Investing in skills like Pyromaniac or Melt Armor may offer better returns.

8 Domination

Weakened Influence on Enemies

  • Description: Axii's influence on two opponents is 50% weaker (Level 1).

Domination's reduced effectiveness and high Ability Point cost make it a less favorable choice compared to other Axii enhancements, especially in combat scenarios with multiple enemies.

7 Frenzy

Conditional Time Slowdown

  • Description: Slows time during enemy counterattacks if potion toxicity is above 0 (Level 1).

Frenzy's time-slowing mechanic during enemy counterattacks may offer some assistance to players, but its conditional activation and minimal impact on gameplay make it a skill of limited value.

6 Steady Aim

Enhanced Bomb Aiming

  • Description: 15% slower time while aiming bombs (Level 1).

Steady Aim, which improves bomb aiming precision, may not be essential due to the wide blast radius of bombs. The time-slowing feature does not significantly impact gameplay, making it a less desirable skill to invest in.

5 Trick Shot

Additional Crossbow Bolt

  • Description: Allows an extra bolt to be shot before reloading.

Trick Shot, providing an extra crossbow bolt capacity, may not be as beneficial as other combat skills due to the limited utility of crossbows in the game.

4 Cold Blood

Incremental Adrenaline Points

  • Description: Each bolt hit adds 0.1 Adrenaline Points (Level 1).

Cold Blood's ability to generate Adrenaline Points slightly with each crossbow hit may not be as efficient as other skills focused on Adrenaline Point accumulation, unless players frequently use the crossbow in combat.

3 Arrow Deflection

Arrow Parrying Mechanism

  • Description: Deflect arrows while parrying (Level 1).

While Arrow Deflection may offer some utility early on, it is overshadowed by enhancements to the Quen Sign. Players may find better value in other combat skills or strategies to deal with ranged threats.

2 Advanced Pyrotechnics

Adrenaline Points Boost from Bomb Damage

  • Description: Bomb explosion damage generates 0.1 Adrenaline Points (Level 1).

The marginal Adrenaline Points gained from Advanced Pyrotechnics may not justify the investment, especially considering the limited number of bombs Geralt can carry at a time.

1 Fixative

Extended Blade Oil Durability

  • Description: Increases blade oil charges by 33% (Level 1).

Fixative's ability to prolong blade oil effectiveness may not be essential, as oils can be easily reapplied during combat situations. Players may find more value in enhancing other combat skills rather than investing in Fixative.