Exploring Dark Humor and Political Satire in The Outer Worlds and Helldivers 2

Discovering the satirical worlds of Helldivers and The Outer Worlds, where dark futures are humorously portrayed.
Exploring Dark Humor and Political Satire in The Outer Worlds and Helldivers 2


  • Helldivers 2 and The Outer Worlds offer unique dark humor and political satire in their sci-fi settings.
  • Helldivers 2 satirizes ultra-authoritarianism, while The Outer Worlds critiques unchecked corporate control.
  • Both games cleverly criticize societal issues through satire, proving the depth of video games beyond mere entertainment.

Helldivers 2 surprised gamers with its witty humor at the start of the year. Set in a distant future, the game presents Super Earth as a democracy where violent deaths are a norm in the fight against Terminids and Automatons. The game's battlefields are truly hellish, living up to the Helldivers name.

Amidst the darkness, there's a morbid humor reminiscent of another game, The Outer Worlds. This sci-fi RPG distinguishes itself by focusing on absurdist satire related to corporate corruption, standing out in a genre often filled with similarities.

Comparing Satirical Approaches of Helldivers 2 and The Outer Worlds

Helldivers 2 Mocks Ultra Authoritarianism

Helldivers 2 humorously portrays the absurdity of fighting for an ultra-militaristic government under the guise of "managed democracy." The game highlights the expendability of soldiers when victory is the sole objective, despite the facade of a glorious Super Earth painted by propaganda. The game's satire effectively sheds light on the cost of such governance.

The constant threats the society faces justify its military focus, making becoming a Helldiver a celebrated act in the name of 'managed democracy.' The game's satire is delicately balanced, offering players a nuanced perspective on the dark humor it presents.

The Outer Worlds Critiques Corporate Domination

The Outer Worlds exposes the oppressive nature of unchecked capitalism, where profits reign supreme, disregarding everything else. While both The Outer Worlds and Helldivers 2 critique different power structures, the former employs more whimsical humor to make its point.

The game's humor is quirky and sets a playful tone from the onset, promising an engaging experience. The forthcoming sequel seems poised to continue the trend of humor. Both games cleverly use sci-fi settings to address real-world issues through satire, demonstrating the profound impact video games can have beyond mere entertainment.