The Lords of the Fallen: Where to Acquire the Grinning Axe

Discover the steps to locate the formidable Grinning Axe, an essential weapon for fire builds in The Lords of the Fallen.
The Lords of the Fallen: Where to Acquire the Grinning Axe


  • Navigating to Bramis Castle in The Lords of the Fallen
  • Locating the Grinning Axe
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of the Grinning Axe

Lords of the Fallen offers a diverse selection of weapons, each with its own unique attributes and status effects, catering to various playstyles. The elusive Grinning Axe makes its appearance later in the game, tucked away in non-obvious locations. This guide not only provides directions to acquire the weapon but also details the path to Bramis Castle, its resting place.

Navigating to Bramis Castle

Accessing Bramis Castle in Lords of the Fallen marks the final leg of the game, reachable through Upper Calrath. The route to Bramis Castle remains consistent for all players after obtaining the Rune of Adyr in Abbey of the Hollowed Sisters. While The Empyrean seems like the next destination, the actual path leads through Skyrest Bridge and past the arena where you face Pieta. At the end of this route, an erstwhile inaccessible door on the left opens the way to Upper Calrath.

Following a confrontation with The Lightreaper, proceed left, avoiding the beacon on the right. After reaching the gate, a battle with the Iron Wayfarer ensues. Emerging victorious allows access to the outskirts of Bramis Castle.

Locating the Grinning Axe

From the Vestige of the Bloody Pilgrim, retrace your steps toward the gate, utilizing the Umbral Lamp to pass through and veering right. Progress north, mindful of an ambush lurking behind the crates. Upon dealing with the threat, proceed past the large floor gap towards the crates on the right, which can be traversed. Descend the stairs and, instead of opening the gate ahead, double back and dismantle the crates at the stair's base. Concealed within, a chest holds the coveted Grinning Axe.

Assessing the Effectiveness of the Grinning Axe

The Grinning Axe, obtained in the latter part of the game, boasts 80 Burn and Ignite, coupled with substantial Inferno scaling at maximum level, rendering it a primary choice for fire-centric builds. With a modest 17 Inferno requirement, it accommodates most players without heavy stat investment. When paired with potent runes, this weapon wields the potential to inflict significant damage, enabling you to swiftly overcome adversaries.