Gamers Uncover Hidden Dialogue in The Last of Us 2 Farm Scene

An overlooked detail in The Last of Us 2's Farm sequence sheds light on a poignant moment in the game.
Gamers Uncover Hidden Dialogue in The Last of Us 2 Farm Scene


  • A hidden dialogue in The Last of Us 2's Farm scene adds depth to the gameplay experience.
  • Exploring near the tractor triggers a heartfelt line from Ellie, emphasizing the grim reality of the characters' world.
  • Small, easily missed interactions like carving JJ's name on a tree enhance the overall emotional impact of The Last of Us 2.

The Last of Us 2 players have stumbled upon a touching detail in the Farm sequence where Ellie carries JJ. While The Last of Us 2 is known for its hidden gems, this specific discovery has flown under the radar for many.

The recent PS5 remaster of The Last of Us 2 has reignited interest among players, unveiling new features like the No Return mode and Lost Levels. During replays, gamers are uncovering well-concealed nuances. In Chapter 5: The Park, a player spotted an endearing cat. However, it's the farm exploration with JJ that holds a particularly heartwarming moment that often goes unnoticed.

Players Unveil Heartfelt Dialogue in The Last of Us 2

Highlighted by Reddit user EnvironmentalTear402, a subtle dialogue trigger exists in The Last of Us 2 near the tractor, easily missed by casual players. Venturing to the edge of the yard post leaving the house with JJ, players encounter a gate near the fence where Ellie whispers, "Careful. The bad things are out there." Surprisingly, this discovery was made during the player's fourth playthrough, showcasing how easily such details evade even attentive gamers.

While some were already familiar with this hidden gem, many expressed their first encounter with it on the post. This dialogue isn't exclusive to The Last of Us 2 Remastered, as it existed in the original game. The secluded nature of the interaction, with little else to do in the yard besides engaging with the tractor, explains its obscurity. Additionally, players can engage in another heartwarming moment by carving JJ's name on a tree after exiting the house.

Players have lauded these instances as standout features of The Last of Us 2, with some considering them pivotal enough to pause the game and savor the blissful ambiance. While such intricacies aren't uncommon in the game, each revelation of these subtle touches continues to captivate and impress the community.