The Immortal Ones: Exploring Star Wars' Enigmatic Force Entities

Discover the Force-sensitive beings known as The Ones, who are entrusted with maintaining balance in the galaxy's Force.
The Immortal Ones: Exploring Star Wars' Enigmatic Force Entities


  • The Force in the Star Wars universe is an omnipresent energy, beyond anyone's complete control.
  • The Ones, a trio of eternal beings, personify distinct Force aspects: darkness, light, and equilibrium.
  • The saga of The Ones unfolds across select episodes of Star Wars series, culminating in their demise and integration into the Force.

In the Star Wars universe, the Force is described as an omnipresent energy that permeates the cosmos, influencing all living beings. Despite the abilities of the Jedi and Sith to manipulate the Force, it remains beyond anyone's complete control.

Within Star Wars lore, a group of entities known as the Ones are entrusted with preserving the balance of the Force. They are also referred to as the Force-Wielders, the Mortis Gods, or simply The Ones. This immortal trio embodies different facets of the Force: the light, the dark, and the equilibrium between them. Although they have made limited appearances in the Star Wars saga, their significance is profound, predating many pivotal events in the story.

Unraveling The Ones

Referred to as Force-Wielders and the Mortis Gods, The Ones comprise the Father, the Son, and the Daughter, eternal beings inhabiting the remote world of Mortis in Wild Space. Each embodies a specific Force aspect: the Son embodies the dark side, the Daughter embodies the light side, and the Father represents the essential balance for life in the galaxy. The Son and Daughter, often assuming forms of a gargoyle and a griffin, are in constant conflict, resolved only by the Father, the sole maintainer of Force equilibrium.

In the third season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the Ones summon Anakin Skywalker to Mortis, elucidating their enduring role in upholding Force balance:

Legend tells of a time when a mortal Mother, desiring immortality like her family, corrupted herself into the malevolent Abeloth. Subsequently, the Ones incarcerated her and relocated to Mortis, considered the birthplace of the Force. The Son and Daughter's longevity is tethered to the Father's existence.

The Ones' Encounters in Star Wars

The Ones' physical manifestations are scarce in Star Wars, occurring primarily in one instance. They first materialize in a three-episode arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars in its third season, beckoning Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka to Mortis via a distress signal. Their subsequent appearance is as a mural in Star Wars Rebels, investigated by Ezra and companions at the Lothal Jedi Temple.

The final depiction of The Ones is as colossal statues in Ahsoka, where Baylan Skoll encounters representations of the Son and Father in a mountainous locale on an unidentified planet.

The Fate of The Ones

The narrative featuring The Ones in The Clone Wars culminates in their demise. The Father senses his waning life force and reveals Anakin as the prophesied Chosen One destined to assume his role in maintaining Force balance. Although Anakin proves his worth, he rejects the responsibility.

Conversely, the Son seeks to escape Mortis and spread darkness, attempting to seduce Anakin to the dark side. Despite the Father's intervention, the Son, fueled by rage, wields the Dagger of Mortis, capable of slaying any of The Ones. In a tragic turn, the Daughter sacrifices herself to save the Father, leading to the Son's demise. Ultimately, the Father ends his life, extinguishing The Ones' physical forms and their enduring connection to the Force, marking the conclusion of their influence in the Star Wars universe.