The Evolution of Tekken 9's Storyline

After the success of Tekken 8, the future narrative of Tekken 9 hangs in the balance.
The Evolution of Tekken 9's Storyline


  • The closure of Tekken 8's Mishima family arc opens the door for a fresh storyline in Tekken 9.
  • With Kazuya's Devil side vanquished and Jin's redemption complete, new protagonists may emerge in the next game.
  • The introduction of Reina as a potential antagonist hints at a possible direction for Tekken 9, possibly revisiting the new generation concept of Tekken 3.

Establishing itself as one of the most rapidly selling titles in its franchise and garnering widespread acclaim beyond just genre enthusiasts, Tekken 8 holds the promise of a long-lasting legacy akin to Tekken 7. While Tekken 8 received accolades for its narrative conclusion of the Mishima family saga, the definitive nature of its ending poses a challenge for the continuation of the storyline in the next installment.

To observers, the Tekken series may appear as a repetitive saga of familial conflicts, but avid players are well-versed in the overarching plot progression. Following the demise of Tekken antagonist Heihachi Mishima at the hands of Kazuya in Tekken 7, the subsequent chapter refocused on the remaining thread of the Mishima narrative, centering on Jin and the Devil Gene. While this conflict seemed poised to fuel numerous sequels, Tekken 8 took a bold leap forward, necessitating a significant shift in future storytelling.

The Conclusion of the Mishima Family Arc in Tekken 8

The Defeat of Kazuya's Devil Form

Since his debut as the lead character in the original Tekken in 1994, Kazuya's journey of vengeance and internal struggle with the Devil Gene has been central to his character and the series' narratives. Evolving from a vengeful son with hints of heroism to a crazed, warmongering entity driven by the pursuit of his Devil power, Kazuya met his end in Tekken 8. With the apparent removal of the Devil Gene and the possibility of redemption through Jun, Kazuya's reign as a prominent antagonist may have reached its conclusion.

Jin's Path to Redemption

In the climactic events of Tekken 8, protagonist Jin transcended the limitations of his Devil Gene, assuming a new Angelic form before relinquishing his powers alongside his father. Following his dark descent into a tyrannical ruler in Tekken 6 and his subdued role in Tekken 7, Jin may have reclaimed his heroic status among the Tekken cast. While Jin could reprise his role as a protagonist, the absence of the intense Mishima family conflict and Devil Jin dynamic has created a narrative gap that necessitates resolution.

Tekken 9's Potential for a Fresh Storyline and Cast

The Enigmatic Role of Reina as a Future Antagonist

Despite the apparent finality of Tekken 8's narrative, the character of Reina introduces an element of uncertainty. Her subtle presence in the game hints at a deeper connection, confirmed by the revelation of her lineage as Heihachi Mishima's offspring and her own Devil form triggered by Kazuya. Unless Tekken 8 receives story expansions, Reina's character suggests a continuation of the Devil Gene storyline in Tekken 9. While her ties to the Mishima lineage remain shrouded in mystery, her potential role as a future antagonist against a united front of Jin, Jun, and Kazuya adds intrigue to the unfolding narrative.

Exploring Tekken 3's Legacy for Tekken 9

The unresolved cliffhanger involving Reina in Tekken 8's conclusion presents an enticing starting point for a sequel, yet drawing inspiration from the success of Tekken 3 could offer a compelling alternative. By leaping forward two decades after Tekken 2 and introducing new characters while aging existing ones, Tekken 3 revitalized the series. While the dominant Mishima figures may no longer steer the narrative, the overarching scheme initiated by Reina throughout Tekken 8 hints at intriguing possibilities for the future.