The Finals: Ultimate Weapon Ranking

Discover the top weapons for Light, Heavy, and Medium classes in The Finals with this comprehensive weapon ranking.
The Finals: Ultimate Weapon Ranking


  • Unveiling the best weapons across different classes in The Finals
  • Understanding the weapon tiers and their impact on gameplay
  • Choosing the right weapon for your playstyle and strategy

The Finals provides an exhilarating experience for players, offering team-based first-person-shooter gameplay with various modes to compete in. This arcade-style game features fast-paced action, destructible environments, and a class system determining weapon and equipment usage. Season 2 introduced new weapons, expanding player choices.

Players in The Finals have full control over customizing their classes. Weapon performance variations significantly influence the game's meta, highlighting specific weapons that excel over others.

The Ultimate Weapon Ranking

24 unique weapons are available in The Finals Season 2, each with distinct advantages and disadvantages. Weapon adjustments through buffs and nerfs in updates often impact their standings in the meta.

Top-Tier Weapons

The elite S-Tier weapons for Light, Heavy, and Medium classes in The Finals are:

  • XP-54 (Light Class) - Best for run-and-gun play, excelling at medium range with less recoil and enhanced accuracy.
  • FCAR (Medium Class) - Ideal for medium-range combat, offering high damage, good range, and fast reload speed.
  • Lewis Gun (Heavy Class) - Known for excellent hip-fire accuracy and versatility in various scenarios.

High-Tier Weapons

The A-Tier includes top weapons that slightly fall short of S-Tier, such as:

  • M11 (Light Class) - A potent Machine Pistol for close-range battles.
  • LH1 (Light Class) - A semi-auto Rifle with high fire rate and damage potential.
  • AKM (Medium Class) - A reliable Assault Rifle with a larger magazine size.

Good-Tier Weapons

B-Tier houses excellent weapons that are outperformed by higher tiers, including:

  • SR-84 (Light Class) - The sole Sniper Rifle in the game, excelling at long-range combat.
  • Model 1887 (Medium Class) - A strong Shotgun option requiring precision for maximum effectiveness.
  • V95 (Light Class) - A silenced, semi-auto Pistol known for its speed and reload efficiency.

Mid-Tier and Below

C-Tier and below include less viable options, like:

  • R.357 (Medium Class) - A Handgun with reduced effective range as of Season 2.
  • CL-40 (Medium Class) - A Launcher losing usefulness due to recent changes.
  • MGL32 (Heavy Class) - A grenade launcher with limited shield-piercing capabilities.
  • Sword (Light Class) - A Melee weapon with balanced attributes but limited range.
  • KS-23 (Heavy Class) - A Shotgun requiring precise shots and lacking spread damage.

Least Viable Weapons

D-Tier encompasses the least effective weapons in The Finals, like:

  • Throwing Knives (Light Class) - Silent projectiles with limited damage output.
  • Dagger (Light Class) - A fast-attacking Melee weapon with low damage.
  • Sledgehammer (Heavy Class) - Challenging to use effectively due to the Heavy Class's slow movement.
  • Flamethrower (Heavy Class) - A niche weapon primarily useful for clearing gas and close-range enemies.
  • Riot Shield (Medium Class) - Provides defense but sacrifices damage potential compared to other options.