Mastering The Finals Season 2: Power Shift Mode Strategies

Discover expert strategies for dominating the 5v5 Power Shift mode in The Finals Season 2, a unique twist on the classic Payload format, featuring intense battles in confined spaces.
Mastering The Finals Season 2: Power Shift Mode Strategies


  • Learn about the distinctive Power Shift mode in The Finals Season 2
  • Understand the gameplay mechanics and unique features of Power Shift mode
  • Get expert tips and strategies to excel in the high-stakes Power Shift battles

Embark Studious introduces the thrilling Power Shift mode in The Finals Season 2. With its release on March 14, this new addition marks the third gameplay mode available to players. While Quick Cash and Bank It have been staples since the game's inception, Power Shift brings a fresh take on the traditional Payload system, injecting new dynamics into the gameplay.

The community's response to the Power Shift mode in The Finals Season 2 has been polarized. Players either embrace it wholeheartedly or reject it entirely. Let's delve into the specifics of this mode and explore why it may not have garnered as much popularity as its predecessors.

Initiating Power Shift Mode

To kick off the 5v5 Power Shift mode in The Finals Season 2, follow these steps:

Given that the 5v5 Power Shift mode accommodates larger groups, you won't face the dilemma of choosing limited friends to join. However, the inability to engage in private matches for this mode may disappoint some players. Currently, private matches are restricted to Quick Cash and Bank It, necessitating Power Shift gameplay in a public lobby.

Insights into Power Shift Mode Gameplay

The Power Shift mode in The Finals Season 2 introduces several unique elements. Initially, the central placement of the hovering platform provides a balanced starting point for both teams. Victory in each round is determined by the team that pushes the platform the farthest distance. Moreover, if one team amasses a significant cash lead (around $40,000) by controlling the platform, they secure victory irrespective of the timer.

Aligned with the core demolition theme of The Finals, the platform obliterates buildings in its path rather than navigating around them. This feature contributes to chaotic scenarios, with structures collapsing on players, creating a dynamic battlefield. Although players remain unharmed by these environmental changes, the experience can be disorienting. Additionally, the platform undergoes significant movement when subjected to explosives from below.

Amidst the chaos, players must contend with map-altering effects such as Low Gravity and Orbital Lasers. The amalgamation of these elements elevates the gameplay, delivering a thrilling and high-pressure experience. Notably, Power Shift mode offers a unique advantage absent in Quick Cash and Bank It.

Unlike other modes where players can only switch between primary and reserve loadouts upon death, Power Shift allows for flexibility in changing class builds. This grants the option of selecting from six class build combinations while awaiting respawn, accompanied by unlimited respawn credits.

Strategies and Loadouts for Power Shift Mode

Adapting your approach for Power Shift mode is crucial due to its distinct nature compared to Quick Cash and Bank It. With only two teams involved, teamwork and resilience play pivotal roles. The prevailing strategy often involves employing approximately 2–3 Heavies for their durability and damage output, complemented by Mediums specializing in Healing Beams and the Defibrillator.

Exercise caution when utilizing a Light build, especially if you are reacquainting yourself with FPS games or lack precision in aiming and movement. While a Light build enhances mobility, particularly with the new Gateway gadget, the low HP and prevalence of sturdy opponents in close combat situations may prove challenging. However, incorporating a Light class build equipped with long-range weapons like the SR-84 can effectively eliminate distant foes or disrupt their balance while teammates secure the victory.

To dominate in Power Shift mode, avoid congregating the entire team on the platform. Instead, strategically position a couple of Heavies shielded with Gloo Walls, Barricades, and Dome Shields to fortify the platform defense. Additionally, having two Mediums present to provide healing and area-of-effect damage support can significantly bolster your team's chances of success.

Given the ability to adjust both class and loadout between respawns, prepare diverse loadout configurations beforehand to swiftly adapt to varying opponents encountered in The Finals Season 2's Power Shift mode.