Unveiling the Oldest Dragons in The Elder Scrolls Universe

Exploring the ancient dragons of The Elder Scrolls and deciphering their age hierarchy in Skyrim and beyond.
Unveiling the Oldest Dragons in The Elder Scrolls Universe


  • Dragons' ages vary based on creation hierarchy and survival tactics, with some perishing in the Merethic era while others thrive by aiding mortals.
  • Unique dragons like Nahfahlaar and Durnehviir boast intriguing histories, surviving through alliances and cunning strategies.
  • Elder dragons such as Shulkunaak and Paarthurnax possess vast knowledge and power, enduring through various eras in Nirn's history.

Time is a peculiar concept in the realm of Nirn. Due to the Dawn and Merethic eras, pinpointing the exact timeline of historical events becomes challenging due to the fantastical nature of Nirn. While time appears to flow in a linear direction, it is subject to divine influences, occasional ruptures, and imperfect reconstructions. Dragons, being intrinsically tied to time, play a role in repairing temporal disruptions. Their eternal nature makes determining their ages a complex task, especially in Skyrim where some dragons are labeled as 'ancient.'

Dragons, known as dovah in their language, are creations of Akatosh, the god of time. However, according to The Elder Scrolls lore, dragons were not all crafted simultaneously, indicating a hierarchy of seniority among them. Many dragons met their demise and turned into mere bones before the Merethic Era's conclusion, suggesting less experience and youthfulness. Dragons that survived longer naturally gained more experience, regardless of Nirn's occasional temporal anomalies.

6 Nahfahlaar

Deceased: 2E, 864

  • This dragon cleverly allied with mortals and even fought alongside Tiber Septim's army
  • Nahfahlaar met his end in the late Second Era at the hands of Cyrus in Stros M'kai's treasure vaults

Not all dragons encountered in Skyrim needed Alduin to resurrect them. Some managed to survive the dragon purge following the Dragon War in the Merethic Era. Nahfahlaar stands as a prime example, a cunning dragon who extended his life well into the second era by forming alliances with mortals, including Tiber Septim. Despite facing animosity from his own kin, Nahfahlaar's contributions to the Imperial army earned him a distinguished reputation. Unfortunately, his life on Nirn was cut short by Cyrus wielding a dragonfire-branded sword during the events of The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard, leading to his demise in Stros M'kai's treasure vaults.

5 Dragonne Papré

Deceased: 3E, 398

  • Little is known about this massive dragon, slain before the events of Battlespire
  • His skeleton lies alongside his mortal companion, the Imperial Battlemage named Starlover

Dragonne Papré remains shrouded in mystery, with sparse details available about his past. Residing in the depths of Battlespire, a battleground for Battlemages, Dragonne Papré's connection with Imperial Battlemage Samar Starlover and colossal size set him apart. During the Daedric invasion of Battlespire, Starlover attempted to dispatch Dragonne Papré to warn Emperor Septim, but the Daedric incursion prevented this communication. When Starlover finally reached his dragon ally in The Elder Scrolls: Battlespire, he found only Dragonne Papré's remains. Subsequently, Starlover met his demise, likely at the hands of the Daedric forces. Dragonne Papré's death in the year 398 of the Third Era suggests an age nearing 6,000 years, assuming he remained deceased without intervention from Alduin during the dragon war's peak.