Potential Concerns Arise Over The Elder Scrolls 6's 'Playable' Status Post-Starfield

Insights into Bethesda's recent announcement about The Elder Scrolls 6 being playable and its potential impact on the game's release timeline.
Potential Concerns Arise Over The Elder Scrolls 6's 'Playable' Status Post-Starfield


  • The Elder Scrolls 6's progress update hints at a prolonged development cycle akin to Starfield's timeline.
  • Early announcement of the game might lead to an extended waiting period, testing fans' patience.
  • The game's development status remains enigmatic, fueling anticipation and uncertainty regarding its eventual launch.

Amidst the highly-anticipated games in production, Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls 6 has managed to secure a top spot since its initial unveiling in 2018 at E3. The latest updates from the developer, however, might not bode well for eager fans awaiting the game's release.

The excitement surrounding The Elder Scrolls 6 has been tangible ever since the brief 36-second teaser was showcased back in 2018. Fast forward almost six years, Bethesda has largely kept details about the game under wraps until recently. In celebration of the 30th anniversary of The Elder Scrolls, subtle hints were dropped indicating that The Elder Scrolls 6 has reached a playable stage. The announcement stated, 'Last but not least, yes, we are in development on the next chapter - The Elder Scrolls 6. Even now, returning to Tamriel and playing early builds has us filled with the same joy, excitement, and promise of adventure.' Initially thrilling, this update could potentially forecast a protracted wait, drawing parallels with Bethesda's prior game, Starfield.

Implications of a Prolonged Wait for The Elder Scrolls 6

While any progress update from Bethesda is welcomed, analyzing the development trajectory of Starfield may offer insights into the eventual launch of The Elder Scrolls 6. Bethesda had confirmed Starfield's playable status in 2018, a significant five years before its release. If The Elder Scrolls 6 follows a similar path, it could suggest a more extended development period than anticipated.

Drawing Parallels Between Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6

Reflecting on Starfield's evolution could provide a roadmap for predicting the probable release window of The Elder Scrolls 6. If achieving a playable state is indicative of progress, The Elder Scrolls 6 may not hit the shelves until 2029. The significant gap between confirming Starfield's playability and its eventual launch might echo in The Elder Scrolls 6's journey. With minimal substantial updates available, Starfield's development voyage might shed light on crucial production milestones.

Repercussions of Premature Announcement

The primary challenge surrounding The Elder Scrolls 6 lies in Bethesda's premature disclosure. Former Lead Designer for Skyrim, Bruce Nesmith, criticized Bethesda for unveiling The Elder Scrolls 6 too early. Nesmith's interview unveiled that the 2018 announcement was driven by fan demand, yet this decision seems to have elongated the perceived wait time. If Starfield's developmental timeline indeed mirrors The Elder Scrolls 6's journey, enthusiasts might face a severe test of patience.

The Enigmatic Journey of The Elder Scrolls 6

With a lone teaser trailer and scarce updates, The Elder Scrolls 6 remains shrouded in mystery. While it stands as one of the most awaited titles in recent times, concrete evidence regarding its development progress is scarce. Expectations continue to soar, and if the game is still years away, the anticipation will only intensify annually.

Nevertheless, every game's development voyage is unique. The timeline witnessed in Starfield does not necessarily dictate The Elder Scrolls 6's journey. Given the extended development period, The Elder Scrolls 6 could potentially arrive sooner than expected, albeit with the risk of a prolonged timeline. Bethesda finds itself in a delicate situation, but regardless of the duration, the eventual arrival of The Elder Scrolls 6 is bound to be a monumental event.