Unveiling the Potential of Falmer as a Playable Race in The Elder Scrolls 6

Exploring the intriguing possibility of the Snow Elves, once the Falmer, making a comeback in The Elder Scrolls 6.
Unveiling the Potential of Falmer as a Playable Race in The Elder Scrolls 6


  • Introducing playable Snow Elves in The Elder Scrolls 6 could offer fresh gameplay experiences and enhance storytelling opportunities.
  • The return of the Snow Elves, linked to the Dwemer, presents a rich narrative background for the game's development.
  • The transition from the corrupted Falmer to a revived Snow Elf civilization could introduce a unique dynamic to the game world.

Despite the prolonged anticipation surrounding The Elder Scrolls 6, details about its actual content remain shrouded in mystery. Drawing on the innovative spirit of Bethesda's recent creation, Starfield, speculations arise that the forthcoming installment in the TES series might venture into uncharted territories. Whether the stage is set in High Rock, Hammerfell, or any other realm of Tamriel, the inclusion of a new playable faction such as the Snow Elves in The Elder Scrolls 6 promises to enrich the game's intricate world.

Tracing its origins back to the earliest days of Arena and gaining prominence in Redguard, the Dwemer of The Elder Scrolls lore have captivated fans with their mysterious legacy. While conjectures persist about their possible resurgence in Tamriel, another related race stands as a more plausible candidate for a triumphant return. Most Skyrim players have encountered the eerie Falmer in their explorations, yet delving into the lore unveils the existence of their unblemished Snow Elf ancestors.

The Intriguing History of the Falmer and Their Interactions with Skyrim's Nords and the Dwemer

The Tragic Transformation of the Falmer from Snow Elves

Once the elegant Elves of Skyrim during the Merethic Era, the Falmer coexisted peacefully with the arriving Atmorrans. However, a conflict arose over the Eye of Magnus, leading to a brutal altercation resulting in the Falmer's descent underground under Dwemer enslavement. Injected with a toxic fungus by their Dwarven captors, they metamorphosed into the malevolent beings encountered in the game.

Surviving Remnants of Snow Elves Hint at a Larger Narrative

Contrary to common belief, not all Falmer succumbed to this tragic fate, as evidenced by Knight-Paladin Gelebor in Skyrim's Dawnguard expansion. This enduring figure hints at the existence of independent Snow Elf factions scattered across Tamriel or possibly beyond, their longevity a mystery.

Envisioning the Coexistence of Falmer and Other Mer in The Elder Scrolls 6

Reviving Snow Elves to Broaden Gameplay Horizons

Amidst the uncertainty surrounding the Falmer's destiny, a scenario where they reemerge as a refined society reclaiming their lost glory doesn't seem far-fetched. In a realm where Dark Elves once were Chimer and Orcs were Aldmer before divine interventions altered their courses, the Snow Elves' redemption appears plausible. Drawing from their magical prowess and tumultuous past, they offer a rich tapestry for racial abilities, although the challenge lies in balancing their corrupted history from Skyrim.

Exploring the Duality of Snow Elves and Falmer

While a faction of Snow Elves might endure in some form, the stark contrast between the monstrous Falmer and their pristine ancestors cannot be overlooked. Given the Falmer's reclusive nature, players are unlikely to embody these creatures as a new race; however, their innovation and advanced craftsmanship could influence a revitalized Snow Elf civilization. Whether through heightened intelligence or technological advancements, the impact of the