Revolutionizing Environmental Storytelling in The Elder Scrolls 6

The Elder Scrolls 6 has the opportunity to redefine storytelling by leveraging new technology to depict the impact of player choices on the game world, a feature its predecessors fell short of.
Revolutionizing Environmental Storytelling in The Elder Scrolls 6


  • The world in The Elder Scrolls games, such as Oblivion and Skyrim, lacked the depth of response to player decisions, resulting in a limited impact on the game environment.
  • In Oblivion, despite significant events like Mehrunes Dagon's attack on the Imperial City, the environment quickly reverted to its original state, failing to convey the gravity of the invasion and the ensuing crisis.
  • The Elder Scrolls 6 can utilize environmental storytelling to showcase the consequences of player choices, illustrating damaged structures, desolate landscapes, and enduring repercussions, transcending singular moments to portray substantial outcomes.

Video game storytelling sets itself apart from other forms of narrative through its ability to dynamically adapt to the player's actions and decisions. This is most evident in the interaction of non-player characters and the game world itself. As an expansive RPG, The Elder Scrolls series should excel in this aspect, yet previous installments such as Oblivion and Skyrim fell short in fully embracing and responding to player choices.

The Aftermath of the Oblivion Crisis in Cyrodiil

Evolution of Cyrodiil During Oblivion's Narrative

The landscape of Cyrodiil undergoes several transformations based on the player's progress in Oblivion's main story. Kvatch becomes uninhabitable, and additional Oblivion Gates emerge following the completion of the Dagon Shrine main quest. NPCs dynamically react to the actions of the Hero of Kvatch, whether tied to guild activities, side quests, or the main storyline. However, despite the intricate alterations, the most significant upheaval - Mehrunes Dagon's assault on the Imperial City - fails to leave a lasting mark on the capital.

During the climax, Mehrunes Dagon and the forces of Oblivion launch a massive attack on the streets of the Imperial City. The city is engulfed in flames, with randomized Daedra assaulting NPCs. The conflict culminates in Martin Septim assuming the mantle of the divine Akatosh, engaging Mehrunes Dagon in a monumental duel.

Reversion in Oblivion

Despite the grandeur of these events, the sudden return to normalcy after such devastation is striking. The only discernible alterations are the addition of a new dragon statue of Akatosh in the Temple of One and the partial destruction of the Temple, with the Imperial City swiftly reverting to its previous state after the conclusion of the Oblivion Crisis. Rather than conveying the sense of a realm invaded by malevolent forces from another dimension, Cyrodiil remains largely unchanged in the aftermath of the crisis.

Envisioning Tamriel's Future in The Elder Scrolls

Persisting Issues in Skyrim

Skyrim similarly grappled with this issue, as the game world scarcely reflected the aftermath of significant events. When Whiterun was besieged during the Civil War narrative, the city is depicted in flames during the quest but rapidly returns to normalcy afterward, with NPCs disregarding the Dragonborn's role in the conflict. None of Skyrim's cities bear the impact of dragon assaults, and defeating Alduin fails to yield lasting consequences beyond a reduction in in-game dragon encounters.

Utilizing Environmental Storytelling in The Elder Scrolls 6

The forthcoming Elder Scrolls 6 has the potential to enrich its storytelling through environmental portrayal. The series consistently revolves around monumental, world-altering occurrences that hold the potential to reshape the environment. If The Elder Scrolls 6 continues this tradition, players must witness the repercussions of their actions on the surrounding world, irrespective of the guided narrative.

Examples of how The Elder Scrolls 6 can revolutionize storytelling include showcasing damaged cityscapes post-battles, newly ravaged terrains, and devastated woodlands. Depending on player choices and their narrative role, they could mitigate the destruction or endeavor to reverse it, akin to depicting Kvatch's recovery following the main storyline's culmination in Oblivion. These represent merely a few avenues through which The Elder Scrolls 6 can surpass isolated moments and depict enduring impacts.