What Fans Want in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion Remaster

Speculations about an Oblivion remaster have sparked anticipation among The Elder Scrolls enthusiasts, eager to witness one of the franchise's most acclaimed games receiving a well-deserved makeover.
What Fans Want in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion Remaster


  • Enhancement of the open world's beauty and graphics is a top priority for a remastered Oblivion.
  • Improvements in NPC AI to rectify the awkward interactions and behaviors seen in the original game.
  • Addressing and fixing persistent bugs should be a key focus in the remaster to ensure a smoother gameplay experience.

Before the arrival of Skyrim, there existed The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. Its release in 2006 was greatly anticipated, following the success of its predecessors, particularly Morrowind, which solidified the franchise's status as an RPG powerhouse. Oblivion swiftly became a cherished addition to The Elder Scrolls series, fondly remembered by countless fans, and now, rumors suggest that Bethesda is working on a remaster.

A remastered Oblivion doesn't need to make drastic changes, given the game's inherent allure, but several updates could truly elevate the experience. Here are a few enhancements that could make an Oblivion remaster truly exceptional.

Enhancements to The Elder Scrolls World

Aesthetically Stunning World

The captivating, vibrant open worlds are synonymous with The Elder Scrolls series. Oblivion's Cyrodiil, in particular, has stood the test of time as a visually appealing realm. Nevertheless, a remaster could further enrich its splendor, leveraging improved snow physics from Skyrim and advanced technology to populate the landscape with flora and intriguing elements.

Moreover, besides Cyrodiil, players frequently journey to the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon's Plane of Oblivion, the Deadlands, through the Oblivion Gates. The remaster offers the opportunity to revamp the Deadlands, transforming it into a truly nightmarish domain.

Enhanced NPC AI

Oblivion has unwittingly become a source of gaming memes, largely due to the awkward behaviors of the NPCs inhabiting its towns and cities. From stiff dialogues to inappropriate remarks and characters nonchalantly conversing after falling into lava, the game's ambitious yet imperfect AI system has led to numerous comical situations. While the NPC AI in Oblivion exhibits more reactivity than in Skyrim, a more streamlined system to minimize awkwardness would be warmly welcomed.

Bug Rectification

Similar to many Bethesda games, Oblivion is plagued by numerous bugs, some of which can render the game unplayable. A remaster of Oblivion demands a comprehensive overhaul of longstanding issues that have persisted since the original release, those that have been addressed by mods over the years, and particularly the game-breaking bugs.

Drawing Inspiration from The Elder Scrolls Games Beyond Oblivion

Incorporating Oblivion's DLC

Oblivion featured one of the most revered expansion packs in the series: The Shivering Isles. Situated in the realm of the Daedric Prince Sheogorath, The Shivering Isles garnered acclaim from both critics and players for its engaging storyline, vibrant characters, and captivating world, all of which would benefit from a remaster. Any effort to remaster Oblivion would be incomplete without including The Shivering Isles and the substantial DLC such as Knights of the Nine.

Enriched Musical Experience

Music stands as one of the defining aspects of The Elder Scrolls, and it underwent significant evolution between Oblivion and Skyrim. While Oblivion boasts a beautiful and distinctive theme, along with standout tracks in its soundtrack, incorporating additional music inspired by the lessons from Skyrim could result in an enhanced musical journey. For instance, 'Unbroken Road,' a track from Skyrim, pays homage to Oblivion and could seamlessly integrate into an Oblivion remake as an extension of its main theme song.

Refined Combat Mechanics

Combat in Oblivion has often been a source of frustration, partly due to the physics involved. Overhauling the combat system, potentially aligning it more closely with Skyrim's, would be a significant improvement. However, Oblivion's magic system surpasses that of Skyrim in many aspects, indicating the necessity for a balanced approach to mundane and magical combat. Enhancing animation weight, refining combat physics, and elevating the appearance of weapons and armor would play a pivotal role in modernizing Oblivion's aesthetics and alleviating combat-related frustrations.