Unveiling the Unique Fusion of Turn-Based Strategy and Monster Capturing in Thaumaturge

Experience Thaumaturge's thrilling combat system that ingeniously combines the essence of monster capturing from Pokemon and Persona with strategic turn-based commands.
Unveiling the Unique Fusion of Turn-Based Strategy and Monster Capturing in Thaumaturge


  • Thaumaturge introduces an innovative combat system merging tactical turn-based gameplay with monster-capturing mechanics.
  • Salutors play a pivotal role in battles, offering diverse tactical choices aligned with the game's Four Dimensions.
  • Capturing Salutors not only enriches combat but also enhances Wiktor's skills and investigations, adding depth to the RPG's narrative.

Embark on a journey into the realm of the new CRPG sensation, Thaumaturge, where innovation thrives. While embracing the genre's conventions, Thaumaturge distinguishes itself with a setting that blends historical fiction and supernatural horror, evoking a unique atmosphere akin to a fusion of Disco Elysium and Pentiment. However, the true standout feature of Thaumaturge lies in its captivating combat mechanics.

Unlike traditional CRPG combat systems, Thaumaturge ingeniously merges tactical turn-based strategies with monster capturing elements reminiscent of classics like Pokemon and Persona.

Exploring Wiktor Szulski's Diverse Tactical Arsenal

While Thaumaturge maintains the essence of turn-based combat, players are presented with a plethora of tactical choices for protagonist Wiktor Szulski. Battles unfold in a stationary manner, requiring strategic analysis of enemy traits and effective utilization of Wiktor's skill set to prevail.

The game intricately weaves a skill tree system for Wiktor and the Salutors, aligning with the Four Dimensions of Word, Heart, Deed, and Mind. By strategically enhancing these abilities, players can dismantle enemy defenses and execute well-timed attacks, intensifying the strategic depth of the gameplay.

Enhancing Wiktor's Prowess Through Salutor Taming

Thaumaturge's combat intricacies are intertwined with the concept of Salutors, pivotal entities that significantly impact Wiktor's combat proficiency and investigative prowess. Taming these creatures not only amplifies Wiktor's capabilities in battles but also enriches the narrative exploration within the game.

Unlike conventional elemental systems, each Salutor in Thaumaturge offers distinct strategic advantages aligned with the Four Dimensions. From inflicting damage over time to disrupting enemy focus, these creatures expand the tactical horizon, elevating the combat experience to unparalleled heights.